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Displaying 7873 - 7884 of 7946

This Act makes provision for ownership rights in buildings which are divided in sections and in part owned in common ownership. It defines ownership and real rights in or over parts of buildings and land and provides for registration of title to ownership or other real rights in or over such…


Where immovable property, a real right in immovable property, a bond or a notarial bond: (a) is registered in the name of a person who has married since the registration took place; (b) is registered in the name of a person who on the date of the registration was married out of community of…

National Policies

This Plan is designed to propel Uganda towards middle income status by 2020, in line with the aspiration of Uganda’s Vision 2040. This Plan aims at strengthening Uganda’s competitiveness for sustainable wealth creation, employment and inclusive growth.This Plan prioritizes investment in five…

National Policies

In order to meet the challenges of environment and development, the government of Lesotho has elaborated this National Strategy of Biological Diversity in 2000.The strategy presents the following vision: Lesotho’s diversity of life systems are supported and protected by a nation which is…


This Act makes provision with respect to Rural District Councils. The Act also concerns the declaration of districts by the President and classification of lands in Districts by the Minister for purposes of this Act.The Act makes provision for functions, powers, proceedings and organization of…


Le présent décret détermine les modalités de mise en oeuvre des missions, de la composition, de l'organisation et du fonctionnement de la Commission Nationale des Terres et Autres Biens.La Commission a pour missions de connaître les litiges relatifs aux terres et autres biens opposant les…


The Act consists of 115 sections divided into 13 Parts: Preliminary (I); General principles and objectives (II); Environmental impact assessment, audit and monitoring (III); Environmental quality standards (IV); Pollution control and licensing (V); Guidelines and standards for the management of…


This Act establishes the Environment and Land Court pursuant to Article 162 (2)(b) of the Constitution. The principal objective of the Act is to enable the Court to facilitate the just, expeditious, proportionate and accessible resolution of disputes governed by this Act.The Environment and Land…


This Act provides with respect to the administration, structure, operations, powers, responsibilities and (additional) functions of the National Land Commission established by Article 67 of the Constitution and for certain aspects of management and administration of land in accordance with the…

National Policies

The Sierra Leone Trade Policy is a sectoral national policy. Its main goal is to promote a robust and competitive private sector and support growing production and service sectors to trade, at national and international levels, and contribute ultimately to wealth and employment generation.The…


Le présent décret a pour objet de fixer les modalités de mise en oeuvre du droit de concession pour l’exploitation des terres agricoles du domaine privé de l’Etat prévu par les dispositions de la loi n° 10-03. Sans préjudice des autres contrôles exercés dans le cadre de la législation et de la…


This Proclamation provides for a transparent and efficient administration of investment in Ethiopia and mitigating the impacts of environmental pollution relating to investment projects. Any investor shall have the obligation to observe the laws of the country in carrying out his investment…