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Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2016

Les informations contenues dans ce document correspondent à la situation en octobre 2014. Pour une vue d’ensemble des plus récentes soumissions de NERF/NRF à la CCNUCC, veuillez consulter <a>…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2016

This case study estimates the GHG impacts from the implementation of an agricultural development project supported by USAID in Zambia. It identifies the magnitude of a larger set of GHG impacts and compares GHG impact strength of different field activities and cropping systems. As such, the…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2016

This booklet is a “portable” version of chapters 1–3 of SOFO 2016: State of the World’s Forests 2016 report. This 32-page booklet includes tables, figures and key messages from the SOFO flagship, enabling readers to access the most important content in a succinct easy-to-use format.&lt; i…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2016

Un resumen de los capítulos 1 a 3 del informe 2016 sobre el estado de los bosques del mundo. Este librito de 32 páginas recoge tablas, datos y figuras de la publicación SOFO, permitiendo a los lectores que accedan al contenido más importante en un formato conciso y de fácil manejo. Este resumen…

Reports & Research
Novembro 2016

Ce rapport s'inscrit dans le cadre du projet « Optimiser la production de biens et services par les écosystèmes boisés méditerranéens dans un contexte de changements globaux » (2012-2016), financé par le Fonds Français pour l’Environnement Mondial et cofinancé par l’agence Allemande de…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembro 2016

Folleto promocional del informe sobre la situación de los bosques del mundo 2016. Los bosques y los árboles respaldan la agricultura sostenible. Estabilizan los suelos y el clima, regulan los flujos de agua, ofrecen sombra y refugio y proporcionan un hábitat a los polinizadores y los…

Reports & Research
Novembro 2016

Using detailed household-farm level data from Malawi, we measure real farm total factor productivity (TFP) controlling for a wide array of factor inputs, land quality, and transitory shocks. We nd that factor inputs are roughly evenly spread among farmers: operated land size and capital are…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2016

Forests and trees support sustainable agriculture. They stabilize soils and climate, regulate water flows, give shade and shelter, and provide a habitat for pollinators and the natural predators of agricultural pests. They also contribute to the food security of hundreds of millions of people,…

Reports & Research
Novembro 2016

This report is a mid-term evaluation (MTE) of the Forest and Farm Facility (FFF), one of the first “umbrella programmes” within the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). In support of the programme vision, “Smallholders, communities and indigenous peoples’ organizations…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembro 2016

شرة إعلانية حول حالة الغابات في العالم 2016 تدعم الغابات والأشجار الزراعة المستدامة. فهي تثبّت التربة والمناخ وتنظّم تدفق المياه وتؤمّن الظلّ والمأوى وتوفر موئلاً للملقحات والحيوانات المفترسة الطبيعية للآفات الزراعية. وهي تساهم أيضاً في تحقيق الأمن الغذائي لمئات ملايين الأشخاص الذين تشكل…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2016

L’importance économique et sociale de la consommation domestique de bois est aujourd’hui reconnue en Afrique centrale, mais elle est largement alimentée par des sciages d’origine informelle. Personne n’a encore développé une compréhension globale de ces filières afin d’élaborer les conditions d’…

Reports & Research
Novembro 2016

Forests and woody vegetation cover a total surface area of 1.3 million ha in 2015 (FAO 2015) that represents 8% of the country surface area. It includes 1 million ha of forests and 0.3 Million ha of shrubs and other woody area. The forest area has increased from 643,000 ha in 1990 to 1,041,000…