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Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembro 2016

Afghanistan has an area of 379,100 Sq. km classified as agriculture land. But the country is generally deficit in food production. So the availability of reliable information on natural resources and the agricultural monitoring are urgently necessary for the adoption of new strategies about…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembro 2016

عكفت منظمة الأغذية والزراعة منذ انضمام مملكة البحرين إليها في عام 1971، على تقديم الدعم الفني من أجل تعزيز الأمن الغذائي والتغذية وتحسين إدارة الدولة للموارد الطبيعية والحفاظ عليها. ويشمل التعاون تقديم الدعم إلى القطاعات الفرعية لمصائد الأسماك والثروة الحيوانية وإنتاج المحاصيل فضلا عن تقديم…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembro 2016

Since the Kingdom of Bahrain joined the Organization in 1971, FAO has provided technical support to enhance the food and nutrition security and strengthen the country’s management and conservation of natural resources. Cooperation has included support to the fisheries, livestock and crop…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembro 2016

Triple C is designed to gather people together by providing three types of spaces: commercial, community and common. The wooden structure and building materials create a comfortable and cozy space with a South African feel. This poster is one of a selection of entries from the TREEHOUSING…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembro 2016

Le monde s’est engagé à éliminer la pauvreté extrême et la famine d’ici à 2030 et s’engage résolument sur la voie de la durabilité. Les changements climatiques risquent d’anéantir les progrès accomplis jusqu’à présent face à la faim et à la pauvreté. Si l’on ne lutte pas contre eux, ils…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembro 2016

The partnership between Indonesia and FAO began with the country’s membership of the Organization in 1948 and was strengthened with the opening of a country office in 1978. Over nearly 70 years, hundreds of FAO development and emergency programmes have successfully supported the country’s food…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembro 2016

The Land Cover Atlas of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan was initially prepared in the framework of the FA O Government Cooperative Programme under the auspices of the project on “Strengthening Agricultural Economics, Market Information and Statistics Services”. The project was formulated…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembro 2016

The Flexi-Bach design is based on the lifecycle of a household and is intended to accommodate the evolving size of households in New Zealand where a large increase in single and double person homes is expected. This poster is one of a selection of entries from the TREEHOUSING International Wood…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembro 2016

This issue of the E-newsletter consists of three stories: 1.Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation (PCE) in Georgia 2. European Countries aim for ‘Green Economy,’ reducing deforestation 3. FAO and ILO working together to stamp out child labour in agriculture.

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembro 2016

This poster is one of a selection of entries from the TREEHOUSING International Wood Design Competition that was run by FAO and DBR | Design Build Research School on the occasion of the XIV World Forestry Congress in Durban, South Africa, in September 2015.The competition challenged architecture…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembro 2016

El mundo se comprometió a erradicar la extrema pobreza y el hambre en 2030, llevándolo de regreso a una vía sostenible. El cambio climático amenaza con revertir el progreso que hemos logrado hasta ahora en la lucha contra el hambre y la pobreza. De no controlarse, podría poner en peligro la…

Reports & Research
Novembro 2016

This Country Programming Framework (CPF) sets out three country priority areas to guide FAO partnership with and support to the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) – promoting innovative international best practices and global standards through the provision of national, regional and…