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Janeiro 2010

This book forms part of a learning programme on ‘Land Reform From Below: Decentralised Land Reform in Southern Africa’. Supported by the Austrian Development Agency, the programme was launched in 2007, and has since provided policymakers, development practitioners and those involved in local…

Conference Papers & Reports
Dezembro 2009

Le Séminaire a mis l’accent sur des aspects pratiques et des réponses concrètes que les communautés rurales des pays ACP y apportent ou peuvent apporter à court ou moyen terme.

Reports & Research
Dezembro 2009

Summary of adaption and mitigation strategies for reducing the effects of climate change especially with regard to better information and communincation management.

Reports & Research
Dezembro 2009

Forests, trees and woodlands cover almost one-third of the Earth’s land area. They are a crucial source of food and income for more than a billion people around the globe. They provide a variety of wood and non-wood products and vital ecosystem services – preventing erosion from wind and…

Reports & Research
Novembro 2009

Documento de trabajo sobre tenencia de la tierra 11. Esta publicación compartida por la FAO y Naciones Unidas-Hábitat trata de comprender y definir mejor los procesos, los mecanismos y las instituciones de la gobernanza de la tenencia en áreas rurales y urbanas. En el documento se reconoce que…

Reports & Research
Novembro 2009

Land Tenure Working Paper 11. This co-publication of FAO and UN-HABITAT seeks to better understand and define the processes, mechanisms and institutions of governance of tenure in rural and urban areas. The paper recognises that excellent land policies, laws and technical reforms have been…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2009

The ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF) has been developed over the last decade in response to perceived and actual deficiencies in previous methods of management. The EAF recognizes that fish are only one albeit important part of a much wider ecosystem incorporating an array of physical…

Reports & Research
Novembro 2009

Land Tenure Working Paper 13: Secure land rights are crucial if local populations are to engage actively as stakeholders in rural development. The task of identifying and protecting local rights in most African countries faces several major challenges like incorporating many different local land…

Reports & Research
Novembro 2009

FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), GTZ (Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit) and other development partners are working together with countries to prepare Voluntary Guidelines that will provide practical guidance to states, civil society, the private sector,…

Reports & Research
Novembro 2009

Cuando en el año 2000 se aprobaron los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio (ODM), la comunidad internacional contrajo un compromiso sin precedentes para satisfacer las necesidades de los pobres del mundo y salvaguardarlos de las amenazas del siglo XXI2. Los mandatarios de 147 Estados…