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Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembro 2012

Desde 1996, la FAO y el Gobierno de Italia han colaborado en un ambicioso proyecto que se realiza a lo largo de la cuenca del r?o m?s largo del mundo. ?Productos informativos sobre los recursos h?dricos de la cuenca del Nilo? fue el nombre con el que se design? la suma global de tres…

Reports & Research
Novembro 2012

FAO-Adapt consolidates FAO’s multidisciplinary expertise on climate change adaptation. Through this Organization-wide framework, FAO provides countries with best practices, key principles and priority themes on which member nations can focus adaptation efforts in agriculture and food security…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2012

he guidelines are the first comprehensive, global instrument on tenure and its administration to be prepared through intergovernmental negotiations.
The guidelines set out principles and internationally accepted standards of responsible practices for the use and control of land,…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2012

The guidelines are the first comprehensive, global instrument on tenure and its administration to be prepared through intergovernmental negotiations.


The guidelines set out principles and internationally accepted standards of responsible practices for the use and control of land…

Reports & Research
Setembro 2012

Large-scale land acquisitions by investors, which are often called ‘land grabs’ (see next section for de nition), can deprive rural women and communities of their livelihoods and land, increasing their food insecurity. This report argues that the current rise in land grabbing needs to be…

Reports & Research
Setembro 2012

 The Central African region includes Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Sao Tome & Principe. The region is characterized by its high diversity, as it reflects all types of ecosystems of the continent.…

Conference Papers & Reports
Dezembro 2011

Remote sensed imagery in combination with secondary agricultural statistic was used to map crop water productivity (WP) in the Nile River Basin. Land productivity and crop tandardized gross value production (SGVP) were calculated at administrative level using the agricultural census data. Actual…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembro 2011

In cooperation with the Government of Ethiopia, the Subregional Office of Eastern Africa (SFE) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) introduced a parasitic wasp to control a fast-spreading aphid pest infestation threatening to destroy cypress tree plantations in…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2011

Les femmes participent de manière considérable à l’économie rurale dans toutes les régions en développement. Si les rôles qu’elles assument sont différents selon les régions, on observe toutefois partout qu’elles ont un accès plus restreint que les hommes aux ressources et aux débouchés qui…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2011

La sécurité de la tenure est une condition essentielle à la gestion durable des forêts. La diversification des systèmes de tenure pourrait servir de base à l’amélioration de l’aménagement forestier et des moyens d’existence locaux, en particulier là où l’Etat ne dispose pas des moyens…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembro 2011

The Kagera Transboundary Agro ‐ ecosystem management project is a regional project comprising four East African countries ‐ Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda ‐ that share the Kagera river basin. The agro‐ecosystems in the Kagera basin are facing increasing pressure as a result of rapid…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2011

La seguridad de la tenencia es un requisito previo importante para la gesti?n forestal sostenible. La diversificaci?n de los sistemas de tenencia podr?a proporcionar una base para mejorar la gesti?n de los boques y los medios de vida locales, especialmente cuando la capacidad de gesti?n…