This report reviews the outlook for the supply and demand of roundwood and forest products, and the balance between the two until 2020, while taking into account recycling, energy and trade issues. It covers the forest and forest products sector, including the forest itself, as well as…
Forecasts for the forest resource and roundwood supply are one of the two fundamental parts of ETTS V (the other is consumption and production projections). National ETTS V correspondents were asked to provide detailed forecasts for the area, growing stock, increment, fellings and removals of…
This course teaches the farmer about the water cycle. It covers rainfall, ground water, the water table, surface water, evaporation, and transpiration. It also delivers information on wells and springs, swamps, ponds, lakes, streams and rivers. It explains how water is necessary for life.
General principles of plant nutrition don't furnish the concrete information, necessary for practical treatments in a given situation. Thus, the questions arise which parameters must be considered an how can they be determined. This leads to consider the concepts of nutrients diagnosis, as…
Methods for evaluating nutrient status in order to obtain better plant growth and increased yield are constantly being developed and improved. New analytical techniques and procedures for soil and plant analysis have been invented and tested in many countries and laboratories. There have been…
The pressing need for increased agricultural production in the years ahead can only be met by more efficient use of our land and water resources including more widespread and better irrigation in those regions where rainfall is inadequate. Production gains will be shortlived unless the attendant…
This bulletin gives an overview of the ninth session of the working party on Soil Classification and Survey of the European Commission on Agriculture that took place in Ghent, Belgium, in september 1973. It presents the papers, discussions and recommendations developed during the meeting. A…