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Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2015

Las acciones para reducir las emisiones y eliminar GEI en el sector de la agricultura, la silvicultura y otros usos de la tierra (AFOLU) ofrecen valiosas oportunidades sobre las que fundamentar y aumentar las sinergias con actividades relacionadas con la intensificación sostenible, la mejora…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2015

FAO’s best-selling 2011 publication, Save and Grow, proposed a new paradigm of agriculture, one that is both highly productive and environmentally sustainable. This new book looks at the application of “Save and Grow” practices and technologies to production of the world’s key food security…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2015

On trouvera dans le présent guide une application concrète du modèle Produire plus avec moins de la FAO pour une intensification durable de la production des cultures fondamentales en matière de sécurité alimentaire, à savoir le maïs, le riz et le blé. À l’aide d’exemples recueillis en Afrique,…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2015

В настоящем руководстве описано практическое применение предложенной ФАО модели устойчивой интенсификации растениеводства “Сохранить и приумножить” к возделыванию кукурузы, риса и пшеницы – культур, имеющих ключевое значение для продовольственной безопасности в мире. На примерах из опыта…

Novembro 2015

Worldwide urbanization has become a crucial issue in recent years. Bangladesh, one of the poorest and most densely-populated countries in the world, has been facing rapid urbanization. In urban areas, maternal indicators are generally worse in the slums than in the urban non-slum areas. The…

Reports & Research
Outubro 2015

This booklet presents the key messages of FAO on climate change and food security. It includes a synthesis of the most recent support provided by FAO to countries to face the impacts of climate change. It also brings together the most relevant knowledge on climate change including tools and…

Reports & Research
Setembro 2015

The Voluntary Guidelines for the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (or VGGT) is the first global document that addresses policy, legal and organizational frameworks that regulate tenure rights. Adopted by the Committee on…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Setembro 2015

ABSTRACTED FROM INTRODUCTION: This brief has been developed by incorporating farmers’ perspective in relation to the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance Tenure (VGGT) of Land, Fisheries and Forest Tenure in the National Food Security Context of Bangladesh. The brief also…

Institutional & promotional materials
Setembro 2015

Uttaran is implementing a project titled, Sustainable Access to Land Equality-SALE' with support of European Union. SALE is the civil society component of overall access to land project that is lead by Department of Land Records and Surveys (DLRS) and Ministry of Land in Bangladesh. SALE…

Setembro 2015

The Diagnostic Trade Integration Study identifies the following actions centered around four pillars to sustain and accelerate export growth: (1) breaking into new markets through a) better trade logistics to reduce delivery lags; as world markets become more competitive and newer products…

Reports & Research
Agosto 2015

In 2014-2015, the Asian Farmers Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) implemented a project entitled “Popularizing the VGGT Among Small Scale Farmers Organizations, Relevant National Government and Inter-governmental Organizations” with the support of the International Land…