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These Rules are made under the Quieting Titles Act (Cap. 393) and concern: filing of an ex-parte application to court under section 3 of the Act; contents of a notice of such application; rules for adverse claims; the power of court to refer proceedings to a referee or to alter directions of a…


This Act aims at the avoidance of fraudulent dispositions including any transaction, gift, grant or transfer of property of any nature whatsoever. Subject to the provisions of this Act, every disposition of property made with an intent to defraud and at an undervalue can be declared null and…


This Act concerns permission of the Minister to any residents to build a wharf or abutment, from the private land of such person or persons which may abut on to the port or harbour of the district in which the application is made, into such port or harbour. A plan for an abutment or wharf shall…


This Act concerns the right to construct abutments in the Harbour of Nassau and inspection of the Director of Public Works upon completion of such works. The Act also concerns rights of way in relation with abutments, public abutments, rights of ownership and restrictions on construction.


This Act defines full rights and powers of an actual tenant in tail, whether in possession, remainder, contingency or otherwise, to dispose of for an estate in fee simple, absolute, or for any less estate, the lands of which he or she is tenant in tail. A deed by which any disposition is made by…


This Act concerns perpetuity created on property including land by an instrument inter-vivos, the exercise of a special power of appointment or will. The Act prescribes rules for the validity and procedure of the establishment of perpetuity.


This Act makes provision for real property rights in relation with common property in condominium. This Act shall apply only to property as hereinafter defined which is expressly made subject to the provisions of this Act by a Declaration, i.e. an instrument duly executed under seal by the…


This Act makes provision with respect to the registration of specified deeds, documents and other writings including freehold and leasehold grants from the Crown and wills or other testamentary papers.The Act also makes provision for the authentication of such papers and procedures of…


This Act concerns the classification, declaration, construction, maintenance and control of public roads and some related matters such as the restriction on the discharge of water and other liquids from private lands onto public roads, the duty of owners of adjoining land in relation with…


For the avoidance of doubt, this Act declares that the rule against perpetuities shall apply to future easements and such easements shall be void. The Act also stipulates that a covenant not to interfere with the exercise of rights which, if directly granted, would constitute an easement…


This Act stipulates that in a voluntary conveyance or in a conveyance where the consideration is nominal, a resulting trust for the grantor shall not be implied merely by reason of the absence of valuable consideration or of a substantial consideration or of any words expressly rebutting a…


This Act defines the legality of voluntary conveyance of any lands, tenements or hereditaments which are in fact made bona fide and without any fraudulent intent for purposes of a specified piece of United Kingdom legislation. This Act does not apply in any case in which the author of a…