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This Act makes provision for the ascertainment, determination and marking of parish boundaries by Commissioners to be appointed under this Act for that purpose.The Act also prohibits the removal of mutilating of survey marks and stipulates that it shall not extend, or be deemed or construed to…


This Act concerns the preparation and custody a Survey Book on Parish boundaries. The Survey Book shall be prepared and certified by the Commissioners appointed under the Survey of Bermuda (Parish Boundaries) Act 1899 and taken in custody by Parish Councils. The Act prescribes that the Survey…


This Act makes provision for the public survey of land in Bermuda. It shall be lawful for the Minister, in collaboration with the Directorate of Overseas Survey of the United Kingdom or otherwise, to make a survey of Bermuda. For this purpose, any officer of the Department of Works and…


These Rules concern procedural matters and requirement in hearings and determination of proceedings before the Land Valuation Appeal Tribunal constituted by section 19 of the Land Valuation and Tax Act 1967 and in appeals to the Supreme Court against a decision of the Tribunal.The Rules further…


This Act prescribes criteria and procedures for the partition of land initiated by a request of a co-tenant. The petition for the division of land shall be presented to the Supreme Court who may request interested parties to execute all necessary deeds for partition. The Act also provides for…


This Act empowers the Supreme Court of Bermuda to order, in certain circumstances, the sale of a real property instead of partition. This action may be initiated at the initiative of the Court or at the request of an interested party. Parties interested may bid at the sale.


This Act stipulates that a corporate body shall, subject to provisions of this Act, be capable of acquiring and holding any real or personal property in joint tenancy in the same manner as if it were an individual. On the dissolution of the corporate body, the property in which a corporate body…


This Act requires a body corporate acquiring land at certain conditions or a body corporate that disposes of such land to deposit a memorandum on the transaction in the office of Registrar-General. Failing to do so constitutes an offence. The Registrar-General shall keep a register, by parishes…


This Act concerns civil proceedings against the Crown and concerns liability of the Crown. As for relief that may be obtained from the Crown, in any proceedings against the Crown for the recovery of land or other property the court shall not make an order for the recovery of the land or for the…


This Act makes some changes in land valuation law as respect to the Land Valuation and Tax Act 1967 in relation to the dates when a five-year draft valuation list must be prepared.


This Act provides for the establishment of Parish Councils for each Parish and defines their functions and powers. Parish records on the registration of land shall be transferred to the Registrar General.


This Act amends the Land Tax Act 1967 in the Schedule in relation with land tax on private dwellings.
Amends: Land Tax Act 1967. (2010)