To address the needs of individual regions, such as LAC, more detailed regional and sub regional strategies are needed to ensure that forestry contributes fully to the challenges of poverty, inequity, environmental degradation and sustainable development. This report presents such a strategy for…
La observancia de la legislación forestal suscita una atención creciente en el escenario de la política forestal internacional porque todos los años se tala, elabora y comercia ilegalmente un volumen significativo de madera. La explotación ilegal y el comercio asociado constituyen un problema…
This training manual focuses on how to manage and resolve conflicts over land tenure rights, security of tenure and land access in the field of rural development. It results from complementary activities undertaken within FAO's Livelihood Support Programme (LSP) and the Land Tenure and…
El presente artículo está basado en una presentación ofrecida en el seminario "La agricultura latinoamericana frente a las negociaciones comerciales (OMCbilaterales): movilización social y articulación internacional", convocado por el Grupo de Trabajo en Agricultura de la Alianza…
Sharp inequalities in the distribution of land remains a major cause of extreme poverty in many developing countries. Some instances are the result of ownership patterns inherited from colonial administrations, others are linked to the struggle for economic prosperity in the post-independence…
Este dossier es un summary fiel del destacado informe de consenso científico publicado en 2006 por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO): "Evaluación de los recursos forestales mundiales 2005. Hacia la ordenación forestal sostenible" El…
Access to water is a widely debated topic as water scarcity is looming large before several developing countries. The traditional approach of water as a public good is giving way to reforms which consider water as an economic good. This paper critically reviews legal and policy issues around the…
Payments for Environmental Services (PES) are being considered worldwide with great interest and expectation. Proposals to create agreements in which beneficiaries of environmental services pay landowners directly for the provision or protection of these services are innovative and promising.…
Food systems are being transformed at an unprecedented rate as a result of global economic and social change. Urbanization, foreign direct investment in markets of developing countries and increasing incomes are prime facilitators for the observed changes, while social changes, such as the…
El marco político para la gestión forestal es un proceso dinámico de renovación e innovación. Nuevas actitudes públicas hacia el bosque y el desarrollo forestal y nuevos actores políticos presionan por un mayor énfasis en la importancia ambiental y social y por más participación en las…