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Journal Articles & Books
Abril 2023

L’intensification agricole durable désigne des pratiques visant à produire davantage à partir de terres, de ressources en eau ou d’autres ressources naturelles données, tout en protégeant l’environnement et en accroissant les retombées économiques et sociales positives.
Les auteurs de la…

Reports & Research
Junho 2022

La Stratégie de développement du secteur des cultures pour l'Afrique de l'Est 2021-2026 établit une série d'objectifs et d'interventions convenus par les représentants des ministères de l'Agriculture des pays relevant de la juridiction du Bureau sous-régional de l'…

Peer-reviewed publication
Março 2022

Le projet ALIGN (Advancing Land-based Investment Governance) appuie les gouvernements, la société civile, les communautés locales et d’autres parties prenantes pour renforcer la gouvernance et les pratiques en matière d’investissements fonciers - de l’agriculture aux infrastructures, en passant…

Reports & Research
Abril 2021

On a global scale, Sudan perhaps ranks first in terms of pastoralists population size. About
66 per cent of Sudan is arid land, which is mainly pastoralists’ habitat. Pastoralism in the
Sudan involves about 20 per cent of the population and accounts for almost 40 per cent of

Reports & Research
Abril 2021

On a global scale, Sudan perhaps ranks first in terms of pastoralists population size. About
66 per cent of Sudan is arid land, which is mainly pastoralists’ habitat. Pastoralism in the
Sudan involves about 20 per cent of the population and accounts for almost 40 per cent of

Reports & Research
Março 2021

Improvement of Land Governance in Uganda (ILGU) is a project implemented by the German International Cooperation (GIZ), seeking to increase productivity of small-scale farmers on private Mailo land in Central Uganda, co-financed by the European Union and German Government through the German…

Peer-reviewed publication
Fevereiro 2021

Population growth rates in Sub-Saharan East Africa are among the highest in the world, creating increasing pressure for land cover conversion. To date, however, there has been no comprehensive assessment of regional land cover change, and most long-term trends have not yet been quantified. Using…

Peer-reviewed publication
Janeiro 2021

Despite mobile livestock grazing being widely recognized as one of the most viable and sustainable land uses for semi-arid savanna, which can deliver clear wildlife conservation benefits, the levels of pastoral sedentarization and transitions to agricultural livelihoods continue to rise in many…

Manuals & Guidelines
Dezembro 2020

<em>État des aires protégées et de conservation d’Afrique orientale et australe</em> est le premier rapport regroupant des informations sur les aires protégées et de conservation dans l’ensemble de la région d’Afrique de l’Est et du Sud. La région d’Afrique orientale et australe…

Peer-reviewed publication
Dezembro 2020

Increasing tree cover in agricultural lands can contribute to achieving global and national restoration goals, more so in the drylands where trees play a key role in enhancing both ecosystem and livelihood resilience of the communities that depend on them. Despite this, drylands are…

Reports & Research
Novembro 2020

Promoting the provision of legitimate land tenure rights using Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests (VGGT) in the Context of National Food Security for conflict-displaced communities, including small‐scale rural farmers, pastoralists, and…

Institutional & promotional materials
Setembro 2020

The “Responsible Governance of Investments in Land” (RGIL) project in Ethiopia aims at ensuring that investments in land are productive, contribute to sustainable land management, and respect the rights and needs of local populations, in particular vulnerable groups and women.
Through a…