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Reports & Research
Dezembro 2010

Southern Africa is one of the most well endowed regions in the continent in terms of mineral and natural resources. However, the region is facing serious environmental challenges such as land degradation, deforestation and water stress in specific areas.
The population of Southern Africa…

Journal Articles & Books
Setembro 2010

A good indicator of successful farm redistribution cases has to be the continuation of viableproductivity rates in their post transfer periods. Continued productivity benefits all thestakeholders that are involved in the process. Unfortunately negative productivity levels havebeen reported in…

Conference Papers & Reports
Setembro 2010

This paper addresses the problem of extending biodiversity conservation onto thecommunal lands of the Dwesa-Cwebe conservation area in the Eastern Cape, SouthAfrica, by investigating the conditions that must be fulfilled for any success to beregistered. These conditions were derived based on a…

Agosto 2010

Despite hosting some of the most developed sub Saharan countries, a majority of rural smallholder farmers in the Limpopo basin still live in poverty. The challenge of low and highly variable rainfall together with inadequate technology transfers, inadequate policy and investment context all act…

Agosto 2010

The Coordination and Change project of the Limpopo Basin Development Challenge (L5) is designed to help the four BDC projects conduct quality, coherent, and problem oriented research to contribute to beneficial change in the basin. L5 will develop and implement a communication and knowledge…

Agosto 2010

The Limpopo Basin is prone to frequent droughts and short season rainfall making agricultural production a very risky enterprise. The need assist to farmers and rural communities to optimize the utilization of low rainwater and existing SWI to boost agricultural productivity, standard of living…

Abril 2010

This project seeks to define the interplay between market access, crop and livestock technologies, and investment risks in water- and market-scarce environments that leads to technology adoption by farm families, enabling them to enhance food security and incomes through more efficient water use…

Reports & Research
Março 2010

The Challenge of Integrated Water Resource Management for Improved Rural Livelihoods:
Managing Risk, Mitigating Drought and Improving Water Productivity in the Water Scarce Limpopo
Basin: Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is a systems approach to water

Reports & Research
Março 2010

This report is a synthesis of research implemented for the project on Wetlands-based livelihoods in the Limpopo basin: balancing social welfare and environmental security. The research was motivated by the dependency of many people on wetlands for their livelihoods. It was therefore founded on…

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro 2009

This book forms part of a learning programme on ‘Land Reform From Below: Decentralised Land Reform in Southern Africa’. Supported by the Austrian Development Agency, the programme was launched in 2007, and has since provided policymakers, development practitioners and those involved in local…