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Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2005

تنشر حالة الغابات في العالم تقارير عن حالة الغابات وعن أحدث السياسات والتطورات المؤسسية والموضوعات الخاصة بقطاع الغابات.وفضلا عن ذلك تتيح حالة الغابات في العالم آخرالمعلومات المتعلقة بالسياسات الحرجية لتسهيل مناقشتها واتخاذ القرارات المتعلقة بغابات العالم.وتصدر حالة الغابات في العالم كل…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2005

This book brings together information on the contrasting characteristics, condition, present use and problems of the world's main natural grasslands. Since grassland is commercialized through the grazing animal, particular attention is paid to the livestock production systems associated…

Reports & Research
Novembro 2005

This paper was prepared for the Asia-Pacific Fisheries Commission workshop on mainstreaming fisheries co-management, held in Cambodia in August 2005. It examines the policy and legislative frameworks for co-management in thirteen countries in Asia and the Pacific, and the extent to which these…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2005

Food systems are being transformed at an unprecedented rate as a result of global economic and social change. Urbanization, foreign direct investment in markets of developing countries and increasing incomes are prime facilitators for the observed changes, while social changes, such as the…

Reports & Research
Novembro 2005

This draft report prepared by an FAO - Investment Centre team upon request of the World Bank, is based on an extensive review of available information including technical papers and policy statements on OECS agriculture and on findings of short visits to the OECS countries to review development…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2005

The IPTRID programme is a multi-donor trust fund managed by the IPTRID Secretariat as a Special Programme of FAO. The Secretariat is located in the Land and Water Development Division of FAO and draws on a worldwide network of leading centres of excellence in the field of irrigation, drainage…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2005

Это руководство по гендерным вопросам и доступа к земле, был подготовлен для поддержки земельных администраторов в правительств и их партнерами в гражданском обществе, которые участвуют в обеспечении доступа земель и управления земельными ресурсами  вопросы развития сельских районов. Часто…

Reports & Research
Novembro 2005

This publication is about how to help people to deal with conflicts that are undermining or disrupting natural resource management, impeding development, and causing outbreaks of violence. It looks at how negotiation and consensus building can be used to manage conflict and build collaboration,…

Reports & Research
Novembro 2005

Aboriginal women in Canada are at the forefront of resistance when it comes to threats to their land and culture. This is the conclusion of this study, which examines the links between Aboriginal women, protest and human security. The study shows that restrictions on fishing rights, expansion in…

Journal Articles & Books
Setembro 2005

El marco político para la gestión forestal es un proceso dinámico de renovación e innovación. Nuevas actitudes públicas hacia el bosque y el desarrollo forestal y nuevos actores políticos presionan por un mayor énfasis en la importancia ambiental y social y por más participación en las…

Journal Articles & Books
Agosto 2005

This paper gives a brief overview of the existing UPFG laws and regulations and points out the issues that legislative bodies may have to consider with regard to UPFG. The objective of the paper is to give an overriding analysis of the relevant issues that need to be considered in order to…

Reports & Research
Abril 2005

The current volume presents the Proceedings of an important meeting entitled "Regional Expert Consultation on Land Degradation, Plant, Animal and Human Nutrition: Inter-relation and Impact". This scientific gathering managed to have a group of soil scientists/plant nutrition…