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Dezembro 2021

The dry lowlands of Ethiopia are seasonally affected by long periods of low rainfall and, coinciding with rainfall in the Amhara highlands, flood waters which flow onto the lowlands resulting in damage to landscapes and settlements. In an attempt to convert water from storm generated floods into…

Dezembro 2021

Over the last three decades, the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) has come up with multiple development plans, policies and strategy documents and legal instruments that intend to transform the agricultural sector in general and the livestock sector in particular. In the past four years, the…

Dezembro 2021

Enhancing farmers' access to improved seeds is essential to increase productivity and ensure food security in the Global South. However, for many socially marginalized groups, seed access is constrained by the weak institutions governing the input supply chains and the dissemination of…

Dezembro 2021

Renewable energy sources are climate- and land-resource-smart development interventions. In Ethiopia, because of its topographic nature and high rainfall availability, mini-hydropower (MHP) is one of the most suitable renewable energy sources. However, it is variable in space and time, thus…

Dezembro 2021

Livestock production in Ethiopia is predominated by extensive production systems where animals graze in communal grazing lands that exposes to disease transmission and indiscriminate breeding. Intensive stall feeding occurs, mostly in peri-urban settings, with cows mainly fed on straw and…

Dezembro 2021

The majority of smallholder farmers in Ethiopia depend on rainfall-fed subsistence agriculture for their livelihoods and are highly vulnerable to climate change and variability. To address the negative impacts of climate change, climate-smart agriculture technologies are implemented and…

Dezembro 2021

Improving agricultural productivity in Ethiopia is crucial to alleviate poverty and meet growing food demand amid environmental stress and climate change. Agricultural innovation and access to digital agricultural solutions have the potential to boost productivity while reducing negative…

Dezembro 2021

Among smallholder maize farmers in Ethiopia (and similar areas in Africa), yield and stress tolerance traits in maize varieties are important. While high yields remain a major objective, breeding and seed system development programs are increasingly based on the recognition that farmers also…

Dezembro 2021

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, many researchers and international organizations voiced concerns about the resilience of food value chains amid lockdowns and border closures, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (Laborde et al. 2020; Reardon, Bellemare, and Zilberman 2020…

Dezembro 2021

The COGENT-Climate Services Consultative Workshop was conducted on May 27-28, 2022 in Yirba town, Boricha woreda. [Add some information on the aim and objectives, how many participants, from which institutions]. COGENT represents an inter-disciplinary approach to improving household food…

Dezembro 2021

Massive SLM/CSA practices have been implemented for the last four decades in various agro-ecologies
of Ethiopia. Nevertheless, these practices were not well catalogued in illustrative (pictorial)
representation. Cataloguing Sustainable Land management (SLM) and Climate Smart…

Dezembro 2021

Own production contributes much of the food supply in smallholder production sys-tems in low- and middle-income countries like Ethiopia. Understanding the potentialas well as constraints of these production systems in terms of nutrient supplies isthus a critical step to design interventions to…