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Displaying 1873 - 1884 of 2449
Reports & Research
Dezembro 2009

ICARDA has long-standing outreach programs in North Africa, the Nile Valley, and the Red Sea region (Fig 2). In its current strategic plan, the Center will extend its work to the drylands of Sub-Saharan Africa.

Reports & Research
Dezembro 2009

The Nile basin experiences wide spread poverty, lack of food and land and water
degradation. Because poverty is linked to access to water for crop, fish and
livestock based livelihoods, improving access to water and increasing agricultural
water productivity can potentially…

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro 2009

Sheep have multiple roles in the livelihood of resource poor farmers as source of income, meat, skin, manure, strong wool or long hairy fleece, and as buffer resources during crop failures. These important services and products of the sheep production sub-sector justify comprehensive look into…

Agreements & Contracts
Dezembro 2009

This is a Land Lease Agreement posted on <a href=""></a&gt;. It lists Cereal crops,Cotton,Grain legumes (Pulses),Oil…

Reports & Research
Novembro 2009

Meeting symbol/code: 26, C 2009/INF/9

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2009

Сектор животноводства быстро трансформируется в ответ на перемены в мировой экономике и изменения в ожиданиях со стороны общества. Общество ожидает от животноводства, что оно обеспечит растущее городское население достаточным количеством безопасного продовольствия и волокон и останется…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2009

畜牧部门正在快速地转变,以适应全球经济的 变化和不断演变的社会预期。人们希望畜牧部门为不 断增长的城市人口提供安全充足的食物和纤维,为十 亿多贫困生产者和销售者提供生计,并且提供有关粮 食安全、环境可持续性和动物源性疾病的全球公共产 品。然而,畜牧部门转变速度之快导致其增长失衡。 这一点反映在畜牧部门内部在生产规模、强度和效率 方面出现了日益扩大的两级分化,还反映在无法预料 的社会、营养、动物卫生和环境方面的影响。畜牧部 门的转变及其转变速度给生计、人类和动物卫生以及 环境造成了系统性风险。为了应对二十一世纪的挑战 和制约,畜牧部门需要适当的制度、研究、发展干预…

Reports & Research
Novembro 2009

This paper was prepared as a Background Paper for Chapter 2 of the International Fund for Agricultural Development’s 2009 Rural Poverty Report. It begins by providing an overview discussion of the diversity of natural resources in developing countries, and rights of access, tenure and governance…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2009

The livestock sector is transforming rapidly in response to shifts in the global economy and changing societal expectations. Society expects the livestock sector to provide safe and plentiful food and fibre for growing urban populations, livelihoods for more than a billion poor producers…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2009

يشهد قطاع الثروة الحيوانية تحولاً سريعاً استجابة للتحولات التي تحدث في الاقتصاد العالمي وتغير توقعات المجتمع. فالمجتمع يتوقع من قطاع الثروة الحيوانية أن يوفر أغذية وأليافاً مأمونة ووفيرة لأعداد متزايدة من سكان الحضر، وأن يوفر سُبل العيش لأكثر من مليار شخص من المنتجين والتجار الفقراء، وكذلك السلع…

Conference Papers & Reports
Novembro 2009

Land and water institutions play a vital role in managing and sustaining land and water resources as well as enhancing economic development and poverty alleviation efforts. While a lot has been done in terms of understanding the micro-determinants of farmers decisions in land and water…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2009

Desertification, land degradation and drought affect more than 2 billion people and the situation might worsen due to the unsustainable use of soil and water under present scenarios of climate change. The UNCCD 10-year strategy points out the importance of science, knowledge sharing systems and…