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Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2009

畜牧部门正在快速地转变,以适应全球经济的 变化和不断演变的社会预期。人们希望畜牧部门为不 断增长的城市人口提供安全充足的食物和纤维,为十 亿多贫困生产者和销售者提供生计,并且提供有关粮 食安全、环境可持续性和动物源性疾病的全球公共产 品。然而,畜牧部门转变速度之快导致其增长失衡。 这一点反映在畜牧部门内部在生产规模、强度和效率 方面出现了日益扩大的两级分化,还反映在无法预料 的社会、营养、动物卫生和环境方面的影响。畜牧部 门的转变及其转变速度给生计、人类和动物卫生以及 环境造成了系统性风险。为了应对二十一世纪的挑战 和制约,畜牧部门需要适当的制度、研究、发展干预…

Reports & Research
Novembro 2009

Documento de trabajo sobre tenencia de la tierra 5. Este informe estudia las tendencias de la buena gobernanza de la tenencia de la tierra y otros recursos naturales en América Latina. En él se analizan los diferentes mecanismos empleados y se identifican los aspectos que cabe considerar en aras…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2009
Reports & Research
Novembro 2009

The outlook paper for Lao PDR reviews the state of the forestry sector and draws attention to the need for political commitment to the forestry strategy 2020 to bring the forests in the country under sustainable management and provide a firm basis for rural development. Without significant…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2009

The livestock sector is transforming rapidly in response to shifts in the global economy and changing societal expectations. Society expects the livestock sector to provide safe and plentiful food and fibre for growing urban populations, livelihoods for more than a billion poor producers…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2009

يشهد قطاع الثروة الحيوانية تحولاً سريعاً استجابة للتحولات التي تحدث في الاقتصاد العالمي وتغير توقعات المجتمع. فالمجتمع يتوقع من قطاع الثروة الحيوانية أن يوفر أغذية وأليافاً مأمونة ووفيرة لأعداد متزايدة من سكان الحضر، وأن يوفر سُبل العيش لأكثر من مليار شخص من المنتجين والتجار الفقراء، وكذلك السلع…

Conference Papers & Reports
Junho 2009

Past studies suggest that family farming is more productive than farming groups, but empirical studies are not enough to conclude which is more efficient. This paper tries to econometrically analyze the efficiency difference between farming groups and family farming, using original plot yield…

Journal Articles & Books
Fevereiro 2009

This study was carried out to determine the impacts of climate change on aridity and land cover in Turkey. Data for future (2070s) climate change, according to present conditions (1990s), were estimated from the prediction results of a regional climate model (RCM). The RCM, which was developed…

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro 2008

When pasture land is abandoned, there are, in many cases, inhibitory factors that slow the rate of transition to a natural vegetation. Accordingly, the planned management of restoration has become an important issue in various parts of the world, where environmental conditions can vary widely.…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2008

Many questions about customary legal developments go unexplained if no recourse is made to the connection between legal and economic systems. Since time immemorial they interact, justify and fertilise each other. Most of all, if we believe that customary laws and justice develop and transform…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2008

Document technique de la FAO sur les pêches et l'aquaculture 504. Ce document présente 32 études de cas et quatre synthèses (Canada, Japon, Nouvelle-Zélande et États-Unis d’Amérique) sur le rôle de l’industrie dans la gouvernance et la gestion des pêches. Disponible seulement en anglais