The World Soil Day Photo book 2017 presents WSD photographic stories in a visual narrative. This publication recognizes and prizes the efforts of all WSD event organizers worldwide. On 5 December more people than ever celebrated soil, carbon, and the opportunities right under our feet under the…
This river basin overview describes the state of the water resources and water use, as well as the state of agricultural water management in the Aral Sea basin. The aim of this report is to describe the particularities of this transboundary river basin and the problems met in the development of…
Meeting Name: Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Aquatic Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
Meeting symbol/code: CGRFA/AqGR-1/16/Inf.2
Session: Sess. 1
La publication de ce numéro d’Unasylva coïncide avec deux événements marquants pour les forêts. Les 196 Parties à la Convention-cadre des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques viennent de se réunir à la Conférence Paris climat 2015 en vue de négocier un accord qui soit en mesure de…
Meeting Name: Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA)
Meeting symbol/code: CGRFA-16/17/Inf.13
Session: Sess. 16
Meeting Name: Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA)
Meeting symbol/code: CGRFA-16/17/11
Session: Sess.16
L’Évaluation des ressources forestières mondiales 2015 est le fruit d’un effort collectif des pays, ayant impliqué quelque 300 correspondants nationaux, la FAO et ses partenaires. Mis en oeuvre par six partenaires dans le cadre de divers processus, le Questionnaire concerté sur les ressources…
Fondée sur des données plus précises et plus fiables que jamais et provenant de 234 pays et territoires, l’Évaluation des ressources forestières mondiales 2015 révèle des signes encourageants d’amélioration de la gestion forestière et un ralentissement mondial sur le plan du déboisement.…
Këto udhëzime janë instrumenti i parë i gjithanshëm botëror për të drejtat mbi burimet dhe administrimin e tyre që është përgatitur me negociata ndërqeveritare. Udhëzimet parashtrojnë parimet dhe standardet e pranuara botërisht të praktikave të përgjegjshme për përdorimin dhe mbajtjen në…
To ensure a food-secure future, farming must become climate resilient. Around the world, governments and communities are adopting innovations that are improving the lives of millions while reducing agriculture’s climate footprint. These successful examples show the many ways climate-smart…
Doing business sheds light on how easy or difficult it is for a local entrepreneur to open and run a small to medium-size business when complying with relevant regulations. It measures and tracks changes in regulations affecting 10 areas in the life cycle of a business: starting a business,…
Doing business sheds light on how easy or difficult it is for a local entrepreneur to open and run a small to medium-size business when complying with relevant regulations. It measures and tracks changes in regulations affecting 10 areas in the life cycle of a business: starting a business,…