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Reports & Research
Novembro 2007

The present paper – the third in the HIV/AIDS Programme Working Paper Series – is based on field research conducted by two grassroots organizations – CINDI-Kitwe in Zambia and GROOTS Kenya in Kenya to map out and document cases of property grabbing from children, in particular those who…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2007

Cette étude propose une analyse de la dimension de genre au sein de la législation relative à l’agriculture et examine le statut juridique des femmes dans trois secteurs clés. Le résultat est une analyse qui identifie les principaux facteurs juridiques et certains facteurs non juridiques ayant…

Reports & Research
Novembro 2007

A humanidade tem sido testemunha e participante nas múltiplas mudanças pelas quais a agricultura passou no decorrer dos séculos. Desde os primórdios desta antiga prática, o cultivo tem sido a espinha dorsal do desenvolvimento econômico de muitas sociedades e a principal fonte de preservação e…

Reports & Research
Março 2007

Malawi, like other countries in Africa, has a new land policy designed to clarify and formalise customary tenure. The country is poor with a high population density, highly dependent on agriculture, and the research sites are matrilineal-matrilocal, and near urban centres. But the case raises…

Conference Papers & Reports
Dezembro 2006

In this paper, we analyze the factors that influence t he productivity of maize among smallholder farmers, given that unfavourable output and input market conditions throughout the 1990s have compelled smallholder farmers into unsustainable agricultural intensification. We use farm-household…

Reports & Research
Dezembro 2006

Farmers in Malawi remove woodlands to plant crops but they also derive a vast range of other basic needs from the surrounding forests. These miombo woodlands have until relatively recently always been vast in comparison to the human population and their needs. Over the years the woodlands and…

Reports & Research
Dezembro 2006

As an organisation, we look forward to ensuring continuity of professional services to our partners and ACP beneficiaries in the coming years as well as continuing with existing endeavours and embracing new opportunities as they may arise.

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2006

Ce manuel de formation se concentre essentiellement sur les relations entre les systèmes de savoirs locaux, le rôle assigné à chaque sexe, leurs relations, la conservation et la gestion de la biodiversité agricole, les ressources animales et phytogénétiques ainsi que la sécurité alimentaire. L…

Reports & Research
Novembro 2006

The effect of prime-age adult death and its consequences on access to land for the survivors has not been fully explored nor incorporated into policy regardless the fact that high adult mortality is now the lived reality in countries affected by HIV/AIDS, particularly in Africa. This paper…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2006

This paper focuses on legal and institutional aspects of children’s property and inheritance rights in Southern and East Africa. Chapter 2 discusses violations of children’s property and inheritance rights and discusses how the spread of HIV/AIDS has contributed to the violations. Chapter 3…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2006

L’application des lois forestières suscite une attention croissante sur la scène internationale car des volumes importants de bois sont abattus, transformés et négociés illégalement chaque année. La coupe illicite et le commerce qui en découle sont un problème complexe qui a de profondes…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2006

La observancia de la legislación forestal suscita una atención creciente en el escenario de la política forestal internacional porque todos los años se tala, elabora y comercia ilegalmente un volumen significativo de madera. La explotación ilegal y el comercio asociado constituyen un problema…