Meeting Name: FAO Committee on Forestry
Meeting symbol/code: COFO/2016/7.6
Session: Sess. 23
Meeting Name: FAO Regional Conference for Europe (ERC)
Meeting symbol/code: ERC/16/8
Session: Sess. 30
L’Évaluation des ressources forestières mondiales 2015 est le fruit d’un effort collectif des pays, ayant impliqué quelque 300 correspondants nationaux, la FAO et ses partenaires. Mis en oeuvre par six partenaires dans le cadre de divers processus, le Questionnaire concerté sur les ressources…
Our work is regarding the analysis of land use changes, in the light of “saving soil” against the expansion due to unearned plus value of land: The loss of natural and agricultural surface in front of the expanding urban environment is a critical aspect of unsustainability of urban development,…
Ce livre nous emmène au cœur des zones de forêts denses et sahéliennes de l’Afrique centrale, un écosystème précieux et essentiel à la vie quotidienne de ses habitants, représentant l’un des trois principaux ensembles boisés tropicaux de la planète. Dix pays (Burundi, Cameroun, Congo, Gabon,…
This Law establishes the third amendment of Law No. 54/2005 regulating the title ownership of water resources. Amendments deal with the ownership of water resources and lay down the requirements to be satisfied in order to use such resources. In addition, it regulates the lake and fluvial public…
Land degradation in the Mediterranean Basin is clearly connected to the resilience of perturbed ecosystems, contributing to land abandonment, recurrent fires and biodiversity loss, with the prevalence of secondary shrublands that tend to occupy large areas. This is the case of Cistus ladanifer…
Research dedicated to rare endemic plants is usually focused on one given aspect. However, holistic studies, addressing several key issues, might be more useful, supporting management programs, while unravelling basic knowledge about ecological and population level processes. A more…
<strong>Evaluation of effects of agri-environmental measures on rangeland degradation in two less-favoured areas in Portugal</strong>
<strong>Nadia Manuela Jones</strong>
In the past decades there have been significant land use changes in Portugal. After the…
Meeting Name: European Forestry Commission
Meeting symbol/code: FO:EFC/2015/14 - ECE/TIM/2015/14
Session: Sess.38 - Sess.73
L’étude a été menée à l’aide de la plateforme MOSAICC (Modelling System for Agricultural Impacts of Climate Change) MOSAICC est une plateforme intégrée regroupant un ensemble de modèles et d’outils pour évaluer les impacts des changements climatiques à l’échelle nationale. Son architecture a…
Meeting Name: European Soil Partnership (ESP)