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Displaying 169 - 180 of 1184
Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2015

This thematic issue on land tenure and disaster risk management (DRM) stems from the recent work done at FAO on normative aspects of land tenure governance that address natural disasters through the DRM framework. The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land,…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2015

Towards effective national forest funds addresses the need for more information on the way NFFs work and how best to establish and manage them. It shares the lessons that have emerged from the establishment and management of NFFs with the aim of supporting countries in designing and…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2015

The protection of fertile soils is a precondition for sustainable development. In the final document of the conference of the United Nations on sustainable development in June 2012 in Rio de Janeiro (Rio+20 Conference), the international community thus agreed to strive for a “land degradation…

Journal Articles & Books
Julho 2015

The aim of this document is to help countries seeking to develop a REDD+ Forest Reference Emission Level and/or Forest Reference Level (FREL/FRL) under the UNFCCC. The document provides a structural overview of UNFCCC requirements for FREL/FRL construction, summarizing UNFCCC guidance and…

Journal Articles & Books
Abril 2015

Groundwater development and use have proceeded rapidly in recent years, often outside of governance frameworks. As a result, unrestricted pumping and pollution have led to threats to the sustainability of aquifers, and the allocation and use of groundwater have often been poorly aligned with…

Reports & Research
Fevereiro 2015

This paper discusses the key issues and concerns regarding sustainable Philippine watershed management. Emphasis is made on the various requisites of a sustainable management with a focus on the critical roles of land use planning. land use planning, land management, watershed

Reports & Research
Dezembro 2014

Het Interdepartementale Beleidsonderzoek (IBO) Agrosector heeft behoefte aan inzicht in de werking van de fiscale faciliteiten voor de agrosector en in de effecten van mogelijke aanpassingen daarvan. Doelstelling van dit project is om de IBO-werkgroep Agrosector inzicht te bieden in de effecten…

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro 2014

In this pilot study, we examine the relationship between the organisation of property rights and the economic importance of forestry on the one hand and the degree to which integrative nature conservation is formally implemented in forest policy on the other hand. Further, we are interested in…

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro 2014

This book tells the story of these seven decades of the history of FAO, its protagonists and their endeavours. We have dug into the FAO archives to bring to light unpublished black and white images, which form a portfolio of evocative images of the early years of the Organization. The book is…

Reports & Research
Dezembro 2014

Meerjarige granen, waaronder Thinopyrum intermedium, wortelen dieper en intensiever en houden daardoor bodem, voedingsstoffen en water goed vast. Voor Nederlandse omstandigheden zou de teelt van dergelijke gewassen dan ook kunnen zorgen voor minder water en/of winderosie, minder milieubelasting…

Reports & Research
Dezembro 2014

In planning- en beleidsliteratuur wordt grondbeleidsdynamiek en de invloed van (publieke) actoren op grondbeleid bestudeerd. Desalniettemin, is er nog weinig bekend over de strategieën, interacties en beslissingsmechanismen van actoren, of hoe actoren de grondbeleidsdynamiek beïnvloeden. Het…

Reports & Research
Dezembro 2014

De winning van delfstoffen uit de oppervlakte, het ontgronden, veroorzaakt een onomkeerbare verandering van het landschap. Naast het winnen van zand (ontzanden) kan het daarbij gaan om klei, grind, mergel en schelpen. Het proces om tot een ontgronding te komen is een langdurig traject waarbij…