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This Guideline lays down technical criteria for valuating trees in agricultural lands and meadows expropriated or temporarily taken into possession for public interest. It establishes separate procedures for different types of trees such as olives, vineyards and fruit trees.


This Regulation lays down amendments and addenda to Regulation No. 531 of 1998 on non-divided agricultural lands. According to these new provisions, undivided agricultural lands, as identified by the competent municipal commission and certified by the chief of the immovable property registration…


This Regulation lays down certain amendments and addenda to Regulation No. 230 of 1991 on the establishment of land commissions, with respect to their composition. The commissions shall be composed of the directors of agricultural and food departments at the regional level, chiefs of the…


By virtue of the entry into force at the national level of the Code on the Environment, this Regional Act defines the competences of local authorities (the Region, the Provinces and the Communes) in different matters relevant to environmental protection, namely: land rehabilitation (art. 1),…


La presente Orden modifica el Real Decreto que establece las normas de aplicación del Sistema de información geográfica de parcelas agrícolas (SIGPAC), con la finalidad de adaptar el sistema a las nuevas exigencias de la reglamentación comunitaria europea.
Enmienda: Real Decreto Nº 2.128/…


This Decree establishes the commission which shall be responsible in matters connected with integrated pollution prevention and control, in accordance with the provisions laid down in Legislative Decree No. 59 of 2005.
Implements: Legislative Decree No. 59 implementing Directive 96/61/EC…


La presente Orden determinan el cuadro de módulos específicos de valor unitario de suelo, a efectos de lo establecido en la Ley del catastro inmobiliario.
Implementa: Real Decreto Legislativo Nº 1/2004 - Ley del catastro inmobiliario. Texto refundido. (2004-03-05)
Enmendado por:…


By way of implementation of various acts in force at the national level, this Regional Act lays down provisions concerning different issues of environmental protection and amends certain acts in force in the Abruzzo Region. In particular, the Act refers to the promotion of renewable resources of…


La presente Resolución dispone la publicación del acuerdo de encomienda de gestión entre el Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, para la implementación en España del proyecto europeo de investigación denominado BIOSOIL.


These provisions amend the Waste Management (Landfill) Regulations by supplementing regulation 6, which specifies the wastes that may not be accepted in a landfill. In particular, hospital and other clinical waste arising from medical or veterinary establishments shall not be accepted.


La presente Ley tiene como objetivo regular la expropiación forzosa por causa de utilidad pública o interés social, acordada imperativamente.
Enmendado por: Real Decreto Legislativo Nº 2/2008 - Ley de suelo. Texto refundido. (2008-06-20)
Enmendado por: Ley Nº 8/2007 - Ley de suelo. (…


These Regulations were adopted to fulfill the obligations laid down in European Community Regulation (EC) No. 166/2006 concerning the establishment of a European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register. These provisions establish reporting templates and timeframes for reporting, pursuant to…