Resource information
Regulation No. 121 of 2011 lays down rules on the functioning of the central and local land protection and administration departments (LPAD) and units. It’s composed of the following sections: I- Functioning of the LPADs at the regional councils, II- LPAD’s responsibilities for managing the land documentation, III- LPAD’s tasks for developing the land information system, IV- LPADs at local level, V- LPADs tasks regarding the change of land categories , VI- LPADs tasks and responsibilities for the update and usage of the cadastral information and the implementation of the land use policies, VII – Final provisions. Implemented by: Guideline No.11 dated 14.6.2011 on the methods of verification and change of the cadastral categories of agricultural land (2011-06-14) Implements: Law No. 8752 on the creation and operation of land protection and administration structures. (2001-03-26)