The overarching objective of the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group is to spur sustainable economic development and social progress in its regional member countries (RMCs), thus contributing to poverty reduction.
The Bank Group achieves this objective by:
- mobilizing and allocating resources for investment in RMCs; and
- providing policy advice and technical assistance to support development efforts.
In 2000, all multilateral development institutions have agreed on a same set of objectives, called the Millennium Development Goals (MDG). They are:
Millennium Development Goals
- Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
- Improve maternal health
- Achieve universal primary education
- Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
- Promote gender equality and empower women
- Ensure environmental sustainability
- Reduce child mortality
- Develop a global partnership for development
Displaying 36 - 40 of 60Regional Assessment Studies on Land Policy in Central, Eastern, North, Southern and West Africa: Synthesis Report
This Synthesis Report is a synopsis of the outcomes of the regional assessment reports, which were based on studies and subsequent consultations in five regions of Africa. These reports show that some land related issues are common to all regions in the continent while others are region specific. Issues common to the whole continent are those related to: state sovereignty over land; legal pluralism; gender biases in access to land; land tenure security; and land and conflicts.
Consultative Workshops on Land Policy in Africa: Key Messages and Recommendations
Land issues are causing increasing concern to governments, the private sector, farmers’ organizations and civil society organizations in Central Africa, and the same applies for development partners working in this region.
Atéliers consultatifs régionaux sur les politiques foncière en Afrique: Principales conclusions et recommandations
Les questions foncières constituent des préoccupations croissantes pour les gouvernements, le secteur privé, les organisations paysannes et la société civile en Afrique centrale. Il en est de même pour les partenaires au développement intervenant dans cette région.
Le soutien au développement d'une énergie à faibles émissions de carbone en Afrique
Le développement économique, social et environnemental ne peut être obtenu sans un accès suffisant aux sources d'énergie et aux services modernes. Le degré actuel de pauvreté en énergie du continent constitue une barrière à un tel développement. Avec son objectif de voir le continent africain libéré de la pauvreté, la Banque africaine de développement (BAD) s'emploie à soulager cette pauvreté en énergie avec le concours des pays membres de la région (PMR).
Regional assessment studies on land policy in central eastern, north, southern and west Africa : synthesis report
This workshop took place from 27 to 29 March 2006. The discussions were informed by an issues/discussion paper. The meeting brought together representatives from African governments, regional economic communities, and civil society including farmers’ organizations, African private sector, centres of excellence and development partners.