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Eldis is an online information service providing free access to relevant, up-to-date and diverse research on international development issues. The database includes over 40,000 summaries and provides free links to full-text research and policy documents from over 8,000 publishers. Each document is selected by members of our editorial team.

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Displaying 786 - 790 of 1155

Fine grain-Finance: financial choice and strategy among the poor in rural North India

Dezembro, 2001
Ásia Meridional

This report gives a description of the financial life of residents with a limited basis for cash-crop and off-farm opportunities, hence restricting them to size of landholding as a critical indicator of wealth and status and influences access to cheap bank finance.The authors demonstrates that the use of informal mechanisms like reciprocal gifts, interest-free lending and borrowing and taking credit in kind from shopkeepers, is widespread and does not decrease with increasing wealth.

Zimbabwe: fast track land reform in Zimbabwe

Dezembro, 2001
África subsariana

This report considers the human rights implications of the 'fast track' process of land redistribution in Zimbabwe, under which the government has revised the constitution and amended legislation in order to allow it to acquire commercial farms compulsorily and without compensation, and the land occupations that have accompanied it since early 2000.

Gender and soil fertility in Uganda: a comparison of soil fertility indicators on women’s and men’s agricultural plots

Dezembro, 2001
África subsariana

The study was conducted to determine whether the gender difference in wealth and land allocation between male and female farmers in male-headed households is manifested in soil fertility indicators. It determined chemical fertility levels (fertility indicators) in the composite topsoil samples from 5 woman-owned plots and 5 man-owned plots in Ntanzi village, Uganda, on a Rhodic Ferralsol. A similar study was conducted on 8 woman-owned and 8 man-owned plots in Buggala Island, Uganda, on a Ferralic Arenosol.

Land tenure and rural development

Dezembro, 2001

The purpose of this guide is to provide support to those who are assessing and designing appropriate responses to food insecurity and rural development situations. This guide aims to show where and why land tenure is an important issue in food security and sustainable rural livelihoods. The main objective of these guidelines is to provide detailed suggestions for consideration of land tenure issues in rural development policy.