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Eldis is an online information service providing free access to relevant, up-to-date and diverse research on international development issues. The database includes over 40,000 summaries and provides free links to full-text research and policy documents from over 8,000 publishers. Each document is selected by members of our editorial team.

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Eldis is hosted by IDS but our service profiles work by a growing global network of research organisations and knowledge brokers including 3ie, IGIDR in India, Soul Beat Africa, and the Philippines Institute for Development Studies. 

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Displaying 871 - 875 of 1155

The impact of land reform on commercial farm workers' livelihoods

Dezembro, 2000
África subsariana

This study examines the situation of farm workers on five commercial farms in Mashonaland East and West, Zimbabwe, in March 2001.The paper finds that:farm workers’ livelihoods are inextricably linked with the fate of the farm itselfalmost all of the workers’ food and cash income comes from activities on the farm, their houses are on the farms and they pay relatively low or subsidised prices for foodstuffs from the farm storesome are assisted with access to health and education servicesordinarily the workers are reasonably food secure, however their scope for coping with unexpected shocks is

Getting the lion's share from tourism: private sector-community partnerships in Namibia.

Dezembro, 2000
África subsariana

In a number of developing countries, partnerships between the private sector and local communities are becoming more and more common, especially as communities are increasingly gaining rights to wildlife and other valuable tourism assets on their land through national policy changes on land tenure.

Smallholder income and land distribution in Africa: implications for poverty reduction strategies

Dezembro, 2000
África subsariana

It has been argued that many of the poverty reduction strategy papers pay insufficient attetion to the role of land access and land distribution in rural poverty. Redressing the inequalities between small-scale and large-scale farming sectots is likely to be an important element of an effective rural poverty reduction strategy in countries such as Zimbabwe and Kenya.

Wild resources theme paper (sustainable livelihoods)

Dezembro, 2000
África do Sul
África subsariana

This paper provides background information on access to natural resources in Southern Africa. Case studies are used from Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia and South Africa, to explore customary rights and de facto access to a wide range of wild resources, in particular those of greatest importance to the rural poor.