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Eldis is an online information service providing free access to relevant, up-to-date and diverse research on international development issues. The database includes over 40,000 summaries and provides free links to full-text research and policy documents from over 8,000 publishers. Each document is selected by members of our editorial team.

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Displaying 966 - 970 of 1156

National Regulations for Groundwater: Options, Issues and Best Practices

Dezembro, 1998

Review and analysis of national legislation believed to be representative of the available choice of mechanisms or options and illustrative of emerging best practices and attendant issues. It is worth noting that the countries whose legislation has been reviewed for the purposes of this paper are representative of a variety of climates - from humid England to arid Niger - and of different legal systems, notably, common law and civil law.

Land reform: new seeds on old ground?

Dezembro, 1998

Following initial enthusiasm in the post-war period, land reform fell out of favour with donors from the early 1970s. Nonetheless, sporadic efforts to redistribute land continued: Ethiopia in 1975, Zimbabwe in 1980 and a renewed commitment to land reform in the Philippines in 1988. These reforms stemmed from shifts in the domestic balance of power between landowners and landless workers and peasants, which were quite independent of donor policies.

What Drives Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon? Evidence from Satellite and Socioeconomic Data

Dezembro, 1998

Road network expansion is strongly associated with increased deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. Pfaff analyzes the determinants of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. Using a model of optimal land use, he derives and estimates an equation for deforestation using (1) country level data for 197888 and (2) measures of deforestation from satellite images.The evidence suggests that: Increased road density in a county leads to more deforestation there and in neighboring counties. Development projects were associated with deforestation in the 1970s but not in the 1980s.

Aspects of resource conflict in semi-arid Africa

Dezembro, 1998
África subsariana

The present century has seen a significant real increase in resource conflict in semi-arid Africa. The most important causes of this are human population increase and the globalisation of the economy. Such conflicts reflect both point resources (mines, farms, reserves) and ecozonal conflicts (water, grazing and hunting rights). Although attempts to involve the community have been partially successful in relation to reserved land, conflict over extensive and patchy common property resources such as wetlands and grazing has made them more difficult to conserve and manage.

Paradigm Case Illustrations of Incremental Cost Analysis

Dezembro, 1998
América Latina e Caribe

The application of the incremental cost assessment to biodiversity has always been uncertain. This paper seeks to demonstrate that the concept is a workable one in biodiversity. This paper has a twofold aim:1. to make explicit the strategic and logical approach to incremental cost assessment- to demonstrate that it is replicable and applicable to all GEF projects2. to apply this strategic and logical approach to specific case examples (or paradigm cases)
- these paradigms will provide operational guidance at the more practical level