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Eldis is an online information service providing free access to relevant, up-to-date and diverse research on international development issues. The database includes over 40,000 summaries and provides free links to full-text research and policy documents from over 8,000 publishers. Each document is selected by members of our editorial team.

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Displaying 1046 - 1050 of 1156

Tragedy of the Commons for Community-based Forest Management in Latin America?

Dezembro, 1996
América Latina e Caribe

This paper considers the evidence surrounding the popular view that common property management regimes (CPMRs) of forest management in Latin America must inevitably break down in the face of economic and demographic pressures. The evidence shows that there have been both positive and negative experiences, with a number of policy implications. The over-riding need is to correct for institutional and policy failures which have catalysed the erosion of CPMRs.

Better Land Husbandry: Re-thinking approaches to land improvement and the conservation of water and soil

Dezembro, 1996

Soil erosion has conventionally been perceived as the chief cause of land degradation, yet the limited effectiveness and poor uptake of widely promoted physical and biological anti-erosion methods challenges this logic. An alternative perception focusing on prior land damage - notably to soil cover, architecture and fertility - permits an holistic, farmer-centred approach which has generated positive response to date.

Best practices of Environmental Information Systems (EIS): the case of Zimbabwe

Dezembro, 1996
África subsariana

report considers the potential, constraints, successes and weaknesses of EIS (environment and land information systems, geographical information systems (GIS)), based on practical approaches in Zimbabwe were assessed and lessons-learnt were developed.The process of developing a national EIS in Zimbabwe is also in the evolutionary phase. The country does not yet have a comprehensive nationally co-ordinated EIS. At the time of this study, several information systems co-exist which can be considered EIS sub-systems.

Stimulating indigenous agribusiness development in the northern communal areas of Namibia : a concept paper

Dezembro, 1996
África subsariana

This concept paper proposes (a) market driven farm and off-farm entrepreneurial options, that could take advantage of the existing opportunities, thus leading to the creation of indigenous oriented economic growth and (b) empowerment of the small and medium scale private enterprises to create an enabling environment conducive for equitable growth of their businesses.