The Australian Government's Overseas Aid Program | Land Portal

Australia's aid program

The Australian Government’s new development policy Australian aid: promoting prosperity, reducing poverty, enhancing stability and new performance framework Making Performance Count: enhancing the accountability and effectiveness of Australian aid introduce key shifts in our aid program.


Australia's new development policy and performance framework are available in PDF and Word formats.

The need for change

The world has changed—and our aid program must change too. Today, many developing countries are growing rapidly, with aid representing an increasingly small proportion of development finance. To be effective in this new context, our aid needs to be more innovative and catalytic, leveraging other drivers for development, such as private sector investment and domestic finance. We need to recast our aid program in light of this new development paradigm.

Changing where we work

The Australian aid program will focus on our Indo-Pacific region. We will have a sharper focus on our immediate neighbourhood—this is where we can make the most difference.

The Australian Government's Overseas Aid Program Resources

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Library Resource
Manuais e Diretrizes
Abril, 2017

This guide provides information for companies in the mining, oil and gas sector - and their consultants - on how to undertake a gender impact assessment to gain and maintain a “social licence to operate” with impacted communities and avoid conflict and costly shut-downs. It

• describes some important principles and approaches that should underpin a gender impact assessment,

• provides a framework for companies to identify, understand and respond to the gender impacts of an extractive industry project, and

• outlines some key concepts, definitions and case studies.

Library Resource
Relatórios e Pesquisa
Novembro, 2010
Cambodja, Ásia

The rapid sustainability assessment of Mekong electricity planning in Cambodia using Section I of the 2009 Draft Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol (2009 HSAP) was conducted by a group of Cambodian assessors from March to May 2010. A multi-stakeholder consultation and trialing was conducted in Phnom Penh on April 8, 2010.

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