2017-2018 International Land Coalition (ILC) Membership Expansion | Land Portal

Deadline: 30th June 2017

Who can apply?

Given the extraordinary growth of the coalition in previous years, this opening will give priority to civil society and inter-governmental organisations:

  • With specific political and technical expertise to realise people centred land governance of benefit to the network;
  • representing land-users whose voices tend to be marginalised; peasants, family farmers, pastoralists, agricultural workers, Indigenous Peoples, rural women and young people, fisherfolk and rural communities;
  • representing media and journalist networks, associations etc.;
  • Human Rights Organisations  and Organisations focusing on  gender justice and inclusive governance of commons resources; 
  • based in sub-regions where ILC has few members (Mekong, Central Asia, Maghreb and Middle East, Pacific, Caribbean and Sahel); and
  • based in countries where ILC members have a National Engagement Strategy

Individuals, governments, and private sector actors such as corporations are not eligible to become members of ILC.


The opening for membership applications will last until 30th June 2017. A Membership Committee, composed of Council members, will review the applications received and propose a list of eligible candidates to the Assembly of Members for voting on their approval.

An application DOES NOT translate necessarily into acceptance. The Membership Committee will consider each application based upon its relevance to the collective nature, needs, and objectives of the Coalition, and according to the above criteria when nominating an organisation for membership.


Any organisation willing to apply must submit the following documents:

  1. Application form
  2. Organisation profile form
  3. The checklist with indication of fees category and endorsement of the 10 commitments
  4. Two endorsement letters by current ILC members

For the complete list of ILC members and their contact details please see our members page. 

All applications must be sent to membership@landcoalition.org

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