Missed an interesting event or property rights? Find out the headlines and information about any past events or conferences.
III Congresso de Áreas Protegidas da América Latina e do Caribe
India's Land Information Ecosystem workshop
Availability of accurate and up to date data and information on land rights, tenures and administration as well as on different land use, such as agriculture, forestry, mining, wildlife, water, housing and infrastructure, is critical to effective land governance and crucial for planning and managing the use of land and land-based resources.
Empresa colonial, ontologia e violência: Soberania alimentar, economia camponesa e lutas pela terra na Colômbia
Fórum “Clima/Variabilidade e Alterações Climáticas - Impactos na Economia na CPLP e em África” anunciado
O Centro Internacional de Investigação Climática e Aplicações (CIICLAA) para a CPLP e África é um Centro da CPLP, que assume a figura de uma Associação de âmbito internacional, de carácter científico, sem fins lucrativos, de direito privado cabo Verdiano, dotado de personalidade jurídica e autonomia administrativa.
Documentary screening on a mining conflict in KwaZulu-Natal: This land
The Land & Accountability Research Centre (LARC) at the University of Cape Town commissioned the vivid documentary film This Land as a way for rural people to bring the untold story of their struggle for rights and accountability on communal land into urban forums of legislative, political and corporate decision-making.
Guiné-Bissau, 46 - Ciclo de Cinema no CES, Coimbra
2.º COLÓQUIO - Periferias e suas transformações recentes
Curso CES Coimbra: Operações de transformação fundiária – A titulação e o registo. Impugnação das decisões dos conservadores
Exposição: «Guardiãs» de Susana Rodrigues Duarte / Associação Montanhas de Saberes
Gender Justice: Women’s rights to land
Many women around the world are working to improve their land rights. Yet the access to their land is often insecure. During this evening, you will hear stories by women who are involved in different initiatives at the grassroots level – from the Netherlands to Malawi. What lessons can we learn and how can they generate ideas that lead to more action on the ground?