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European Commission
European Commission
Intergovernmental or Multilateral organization


European Commission

The European Commission represents the general interest of the EU and is the driving force in proposing legislation (to Parliament and the Council), administering and implementing EU policies, enforcing EU law (jointly with the Court of Justice) and negotiating in the international arena.



Displaying 36 - 40 of 60

The Systems Change Lab (SCL): Accelerating Transformational Change Needed to Safeguard the Global Commons for


To help enable decision-makers1 to accelerate the systemwide transformations2 needed to safeguard the global commons for all. 1Decision-makers include policymakers across all sectors and at all levels of decision-making; funders and investors channelling climate and nature-related finance through bilateral aid agencies, multilateral institutions, private philanthropies, and impact investing firms; leaders across the private sector; and those at the helm of international non-governmental organizations, civil society movements, and United Nations agencies. 2 Limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C and halting biodiversity loss will require transformations across socio-technical systems (power, industry, transport, the built environment, and sustainable production and consumption) and social-ecological systems (food, terrestrial ecosystem management, freshwater ecosystem management, and marine ecosystem management). Broader transformations across political, economic, and social systems will also be required, such as how we will finance the transition to a net-zero GHG emissions and nature-positive future, measure economic well-being, distribute the costs and benefits of these transformations, improve social equity and inclusion, and govern the global commons.


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

Due to the global and interdisciplinary nature of this project, it is hard to pinpoint quantifiable or localized socioeconomic benefits—however, the project should bring about socioeconomic co-benefits globally and locally through facilitating systems change via the project outcomes. More specifically, the success of the SCL’s work could help deliver the GEF’s global environmental benefits and adaptation benefits. Rapid, far-reaching transitions across systems can lead to a more prosperous, sustainable, and nature-positive society for all. As an example, transforming how we manage land and forests entails restoring degraded and deforestedlandscapes. Such a transformation would lead to a positive impact not only on biodiversity, associated ecosystems services, and ecological resilience, but also contribute to GEF’s global environmental benefits in climate change (through sequestering and storing carbon), land degradation (through restoration of native ecosystems), and adaptation (through agroforestry systems that diversify farmers’ livelihoods). Similarly, transforming our food systems involves shifting to sustainable agricultural production, halving food loss and waste, shifting to more plant-based diets, and reducing GHG emissions from agriculture. These shifts could enhance food security (through increasing crop, livestock, and pasture productivity on existing lands) and improve livelihoods (through the introduction of more resilient, low-emissions production methods and technologies), helping hundreds of millions of small-scale agricultural producers to adapt to the impacts of climate change. The SCL also includes a cross-cutting focus on ‘Inclusion, Equity and the Just Transition’ that will underpin the sectoral transformations it seeks to advance (see Annex N for further information). This will include shifts that ensure that the costs and benefits of systems change are equitably distributed, that those historically marginalized from decision-making processes have a seat at the table across all levels of policymaking (i.e., global, national, and local), and that efforts to safeguard the global commons are combined with those to ensure universal access to basic services and opportunities. It also encompasses efforts to ensure just transitions at all levels and for both those disproportionately affected by climate impacts and biodiversity loss, as well as those working in industries that may need to be phased out (e.g., fossil fuel companies). If the Lab is successful in supporting decision-makers to act on these issues, (and potentially strengthening coalitions or helping create a new coalition for transformations not currently addressed), then this should also contribute to substantial socioeconomic benefits in the near future at both local and national levels.

Knowledge Generation and Management to support the Implementation of the UNCCD COP15 Abidjan Legacy Program (


To generate and use knowledge products to stimulate investments to support Parties to the UNCCD to successfully implement the Abidjan Legacy Program.


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

1. It is reteirated here that this project is cross-cutting knowledge management and learning pillar and precursor of the Legacy Program of the COP that will focus on transforming production systems of target value chains (cocoa, coffee, palm oil, cashew and cotton, among others) including making them more resilient to climate change , inclusive and mitigate their contribution to land degradation and deforestation. Therefore, it is designed to support the overall implementation of the Legacy Program. In increasing access to knowledge and appropriate tools and innovations, participating coun tries and the private sector will make better informed decisions in the AFOLU business sector. Thus, in this regard, the MSP will contribute to reducing or arresting trends in deforestation and associated land degradation of targeted agricultural value chains, while supporting livelihoods of local communities that directly depend on the integrity of forests and soil fertility to survive. Improved forests and reduced levels of land degradation have positive impacts on biodiversity but also reduce carbon emissions that result from particularly agriculture, but also generally, from land use change. 2. As a principally knowledge-generation and exchange focused project to support the implementation of the Legacy Program, the MSP is conceived to contribute to reducing land degradation, deforestation, loss of biodiversity and GHG emissions associated with agricultural commodity value chains – thereby supporting livelihoods of communities that directly depend on land for their survival. 3. The MSP will generate and disseminate reliable information to support the integration of environmentally-friendly systems, such as those informed agroecology approach into agricultural commodity value chains in production landscapes across different biomes – facilitating the mainstreaming of different innovations, practices and technologies in production landscapes to increase food security, diversify agricultural livelihoods, reduce environmental degradation and biodiversity loss and increase soil carbon sequestration. 4. The MSP is a precursor of the Legacy Program to facilitate its implementation to achieve both environmental benefits as well as contributing to the socioeconomic wellbeing of local livelihoods. In its role as a cross-cutting knowledge management and learning pillar and precursor of the LP, the proposed MSP is poised to: · Support eight (8) events to foster national-level knowledge exchange and scaling up of SLM and LDN best practices; · Establish one community of practice with strengthened capacities targeted on climate resilient and low emission agricultural value chains, forest and land use; · Build capacities of direct beneficiaries of 30,000 individuals, inclusive across the gender divide to ensure 50% representation of both males and femals; · Produce knowledge products (on low emission agricultural value chains, forest and land use and technologies investments, financial models and instrument) and devise dissemination mechanisms to reach out to all relevant stakeholders in Côte d’Ivoire that will participate in the LP and beyond, including peer-reviewed publications. During the dissemination process of knowledge products and learning, the project will also involve GEF National Focal Points and the UNCCD National Focal Points. As noted by STAP, the involvement of the Focal Points will create a ‘knowledge and practice multiplier effect’ as they will be equipped with the right skills and understanding of how to define knowledge exchange needs and help develop, implement, measure, and report knowledge results[1]; and · Create one open access information platform for targeted investments to facilitate knowledge sharing and stimulate interest in investments in SLM and LDN in support of sustainability in priority value chains – this will also seek to learn and contribute to responding to the challenges in value chains e.g recurrent difficulties on the cocoa value chain in Côte d’Ivoire , carbon credit owners etc. 5. In consultation with other key stakeholders who include the GEF and the UNCCD Knowledge Hub, the creation of one open information will be informed by other existing knowledge information systems, user access and platform content – to best synergise through interoperability rather than duplicating efforts. 6. As a cross-cutting knowledge management and learning pillar and precursor, it should be noted that future projects, principally the LP will benefit from the MSP’s knowledge products and built capacities in production landscapes through maintaining or improving the flow of agro-ecosystem services to sustain food production and livelihoods; and reducing pressures on natural resources from competing land uses and increase resilience in the wider landscape. Overall, this will involve the use of SLM practices such as agroforestry, silvo-pastoral systems, agro-ecological intensification, and other practices. Production systems such as agroforestry, for example, support the generation of global environmental benefits through the preservation of biodiversity, carbon emissions avoided and carbon sequestration. Additionally, this helps to maintain important local ecosystem services including the provision of clean water for crops and communities – contributing to food and nutrition security, resilience, and livelihoods of local farmers. The role of the MSP as a cross-cutting knowledge and learning pillar of the LP cannot therefore, be underestimated in catalysizing the generation of socioeconomic and environmental benefits in production landscapes. 7. Consistent with the expectation that a GEF project will not cause any harm to environment or to any stakeholder and, where applicable, it will take measures to prevent and/or mitigate adverse effects, this project is a cross-cutting Knowledge Management and Learning Pillar of the LP. According to IFAD’s Environmental and social categorization and criteria, this is a Category C project – not requiring additional environmental analysis because the activities have positive environmental impacts, or negligible or minimally adverse environmental impacts.[2] [1] STAP (2021). Understanding South-South Cooperation for Knowledge Exchange [2] IFAD (2017) Social, Environmental and Climate Assessment Procedures (SECAP): Managing risks to create opportunities

Namibia Integrated Landscape Approach for Enhancing Livelihoods and Environmental Governance to Eradicate Pove


To promote an integrated landscape management approach in key agricultural and forest landscapes, reducing poverty through sustainable nature-based livelihoods, protecting and restoring forests as carbon sinks, and promoting Land Degradation Neutrality


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.