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Community Organizations African Journal on Land Policy and Geospatial Sciences
African Journal on Land Policy and Geospatial Sciences
African Journal on Land Policy and Geospatial Sciences


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African Journal on Land Policy and Geospatial Sciences is a journal specialized in publishing research activities carried out in the field of geo-spatial sciences and land governance. It aims to encourage innovation, promote the exchange of knowledge and scientific outcomes related to its themes. The journal's target community is made-up of researchers, professors and professionals working in the newspaper field. The journal also aims to promote scientific articles and productions at the African, regional and global levels. The institutions as well as the international universities will enrich by their contribution the scientific level of the journal. The journal can, among other things, deal with professional themes and good practices in the field of land governance.



Displaying 216 - 220 of 433

Building Harmonized Private and State Land Holding Data and Information Systems in Ethiopia

Peer-reviewed publication
Abril, 2020

Different government institutions in Ethiopia working on land related issues tackle and manage data and information independently, while their activities and mandates are often related or even overlapping. Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) deals with small holder rural land and until recently the Ethiopian Horticulture and Agricultural Investment Authority (EHAIA) was dealing with commercial agricultural land. Those institutions have not been able to share information each other’s data to make informed decisions.

Using Social Network Analysis (SNA) to Assess the Availability of Spatial Data and Data Sharing Mechanisms in Rwanda

Peer-reviewed publication
Abril, 2020

This paper aims at analysing the extent to which spatial data are accessed and shared among stakeholders. It also uses Social Network Analysis to investigate institutional and individual behaviour in that process. Finally, it investigates the level of cooperation of all involved actors towards Spatial Data Infrastructure development. Results showed that public and private organizations have been individually engaged data collection and management. However, they are still using different standards and this has led to some disparities in terms of spatial data quality.

Sécurisation foncière en Afrique: les cas du Maroc, la Tunisie et le Rwanda

Peer-reviewed publication
Abril, 2020

La sécurisation des droits fonciers a pour objectif de garantir les droits réels d’une personne sur un bien foncier. L’absence d’un régime de sécurisation fiable est un frein du développement socio-économique des pays africains. Cette étude vise la réalisation d’une comparaison entre les régimes de sécurisation foncière en Afrique à travers les cas de trois pays africains en voie de développement à savoir le Maroc, la Tunisie et le Rwanda. L’objectif étant de tirer les atouts et les faiblesses du régime adopté dans chacun de ces pays.

Dynamiques spatio-temporelles des villes secondaires au senegal : les cas de Médina Gounass et de Diaobé en Haute Casamance de 1965 à 2018

Peer-reviewed publication
Abril, 2020

L’urbanisation des campagnes africaines pose le problème de l’avenir des paysages agraires situés à la périphérie des villes. Au Sénégal comme dans la plupart des villes ouest-africaines, ces espaces connaissent une recomposition spatiale liée à l’extension urbaine. Cette étude analyse les dynamiques spatio-temporelles de 1965 à 2018 dans des villes secondaires du Sénégal, mais assez dynamiques : Médina Gounass et Diaobé situées au sud du Sénégal.

Securing Land Transactions with Biometric data in Ghana

Peer-reviewed publication
Abril, 2020

There is a gap between land tenure and the physical land giving room for impersonation, multiple allocation and sale of plots, loss of possession, land racketeering and fraud through forgery. Hence, the need to identify unambiguously parties involved in land transactions so that the root of title can be traced to ensure tenure security. This paper explores innovative ways of filling the gap with biometric data to secure land transactions.