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The Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) provides free internet access to Australasian legal materials. AustLII's broad public policy agenda is to improve access to justice through better access to information. To that end, we have become one of the largest sources of legal materials on the net, with over four million searchable documents.
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Displaying 1 - 5 of 259Aboriginal Heritage Regulations 2017.
This Regulation, consisting of and one Schedule, establishes the requirements to be met for aboriginal land heritage.
Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.
The purpose of this Act is to maintain a healthy, productive and resilient environment for the greatest well-being of the community, now and into the future, consistent with the principles of ecologically sustainable development (described in section 6 (2) of the Protection of the Environment Administration Act 1991), and in particular: a) to conserve biodiversity at bioregional and State scales; b) to maintain the diversity and quality of ecosystems and enhance their capacity to adapt to change and provide for the needs of future generations; c) to improve, share and use knowledge, includi
Crown Land Management Act 2016.
This Act, consisting of 136 sections divided into thirteen Parts and completed by eight Schedules, establishes the requirements to manage Crown land within the territory of New South Wales.
Native Title (South Australia) Regulations 2016.
These Regulations, consisting of 16 sections completed by two Schedules, implement the Native Title (South Australia) Act 1994 by providing specifications on the Native Title Register, access to information to be included in State Native Title Register and administrative procedures related to native title questions.
Implements: Native Title (South Australia) Act 1994. (2001-07-13)
Repeals: Native Title (South Australia) Regulations 2001. (2001-08-09)
Norfolk Island Administration Act 2016.
This Act provides for the administration of Norfolk Island. New South Wales may enter into arrangements with the Commonwealth for the effective application and administration of the laws in force in Norfolk Island. Without limiting the generality of subsection(1), such an arrangement may provide for the exercise of powers by: a) an authority of New South Wales, or b) an employee of New South Wales, in or in relation to Norfolk Island.