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Displaying 211 - 215 of 259Rural Lands Protection (Savings and Transitional) Regulation 2001.
This Regulation provides specifications on the operation of the State Conference of Boards and the State Council as instituted by the Rural Lands Protection Act 1989 and the Rural Lands Protection Act 1998.
Implements: Rural Lands Protection Act 1998, No. 143. (2009-01-27)
National Parks and Wildlife (Savings and Transitional) Regulation 1997.
This Regulation implements the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 by providing specifications on the procedure for the revocation, appropriation and resumption of state recreational areas.
Implements: National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974. (2017-11-30)
Western Lands Regulation 1997.
This Regulation implements the Western Lands Act 1901 by providing specifications on local land boards (Part 2), leases in Western Lands (Part 3), consents to cultivation and clearing licences (Part 4), fencing and road construction. The Regulation is completed by four schedules: Fees, Survey fees, Circumstances in which consent to cultivation is not required, and Exemptions for requirements to obtain clearing licence.
Implements: Western Lands Act 1901. (2016-11-14)
Coastal Protection (Non-Local Government Areas) Regulation 1994.
This Regulation implements the Coastal Protection Act 1979 by preventing any person (including a public authority) to carry out development on land within such part of the coastal zone as is not within a local government area, and as is not subject to an environmental planning instrument within the meaning of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
Implements: Coastal Protection Act 1979. (2005-08-02)
Valuation of Land Amendment (Valuer-General) Act 2003.
This Act amends Valuation of Land Act 1916 so as to provide for the establishment and functions of a joint committee of members of Parliament with respect to the office of Valuer-General.