Our mission is to increase openness, integrity, and reproducibility of research.
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This culture change requires simultaneous movement by funders, institutions, researchers, and service providers across national and disciplinary boundaries. Despite this, the vision is achievable because openness, integrity, and reproducibility are shared values, the technological capacity is available, and alternative sustainable business models exist.
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Displaying 151 - 155 of 447Land Acquisitions: The Efficiency of Different Procedural Designs
Land Grabbing and Ethnic Conflict
We study the effect of large-scale land acquisitions on the risk of ethnic tensions for a sample of 133 countries for the 2000-2012 period. Running a series of fractional response models, we find that more land grabbing activity is associated with a higher risk of ethnic tensions, indicating that the negative effects of land deals outweigh their potential benefits. In addition to that, we also show that democratic institutions may moderate the relationship between land deals and ethnic tensions.
Factorial Design Analysis of the Relative Efficiency of Ghana Land Policies
Land markets are imperfect; they are often intervened by their host governments using the instrument of laws and regulations with the view, either to cure their imperfections or to prop them up. These policies may or may not yield the expected dividend. The trouble is, because the dividend yields of policies are not readily obvious, it is critical for them to be carefully gauged and regularly monitored.
The Impact of Land Ownership on Urban Regeneration