Focal point
L’Università di Firenze ha mostrato attenzione nei confronti dell’editoria digitale sin dal 2000, con un progetto varato sperimentalmente all’interno del Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo.
In seguito al successo di questa iniziativa viene creata Firenze University Press (FUP) con Decreto Rettorale n. 232 del 15 maggio 2003.
Nell’anno seguente FUP viene trasformata in Centro Editoriale di Ateneo, rafforzando la sua posizione all’interno della Università di Firenze. Questa assicura da una parte un indotto di gran pregio per il materiale delle pubblicazioni della Casa Editrice, dall’altra si pone come garanzia di qualità di tutta la produzione.
FUP, in prima linea nella continua ricerca di eccellenza e di innovazione tecnologica, ha compreso l’importanza di investire non solo nella produzione e distribuzione dei contenuti, ma anche nella loro conservazione attraverso l’archiviazione delle copie cartacee e digitali delle opere pubblicate presso le Biblioteche Nazionali e favorendo l’integrazione con gli archivi aperti a partire dal repository istituzionale dell’Università di Firenze:
FLORE (Florence Research)
Nel 2007 Firenze University Press ha presieduto il convegno “L’editoria universitaria tra ricerca e mercato” presso l’Università degli Studi di Firenze.
Displaying 1 - 5 of 28Assessing irrigation water value using hedonic pricing method. The Reclamation and Irrigation board of Capitanata (Apulia region)
In this paper a heuristic evaluation of irrigation water is carried out using the hedonic pricing method of sales comparison approach – SCA. A comparison between irrigated and rain-fed farmland is performed. Due to the incomplete information on the land market, the analysis is based on survey conducted on a group of 118 farmers. The assessment of irrigation water value and the supply guarantee is carried out on the farmland area of the Reclamation and Irrigation board of Capitanata (Apulia region).
Land use change and agriculture role in managing green spaces: a methodology for land use change analyses
Land consumption is currently one of the major problems affecting green spaces, natural or agricultural. This issue is very important both for agricultural system functionality and, consequently, for its permanence. This paper proposes an analyzing tool of land use changes to support planning policies, in order to highlight the major determinants of land use that affect the permanence of agricultural activity. The case studies are Lodi, Milan and Monza Brianza Provinces, in Lombardy Region.
Misure e politiche per contenere il consumo di suolo
The consumption of natural, agricultural and forest soils that follows urban growth and infrastructural development is responsible for the fragmentation of the open spaces and the ecological connections, and for the functional disorganisation of the territory, bringing relevant environmental, economic and social impacts. The quality and quantity of this consumption relates to the ability to manage, at the different scales, a global phenomenon.
The geography of values and the land of energy
This study provides a wind farm valuation/planning model, for territorial wind energy policies at a provincial scale. With reference to the case of territory of Syracuse, the pattern identifies the best layout of the plants under different conditions. The pattern, based on the integration of spatial-GIS and numeric calculation, provides a wide range of scenarios able to define a trade off energy/information function characterising the decision pattern of a whole land-energy policy.
Greenweb and the landscape. A WebGIS –DRSA valuation pattern for the programs of slow viability in Syracuse Province
The territory of Syracuse is composed of different important natural, cultural and anthropic landscape complexes. As a whole, the territory is affected by an inhomogeneous development pattern, mostly oriented to the waterfront. A greenways land policy based on an effective land marketing pattern might reduce this gap. The study assumes an axiological approach to land planning, combining a qualitative valuation model based on a WebGIS-MAVT tool, and an interactive multicriteria tool based on and a DRSA pattern.