Global Online Access to Legal Information | Land Portal
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GOALI - Global Online Access to Legal Information is a new programme providing free or low-cost online access to legal research and training in the developing world.

What is available?

  • Academic and professional peer-reviewed journals, publications and databases in selected subject areas of law from the world's leading academic publishers.

Who can access GOALI?


Global Online Access to Legal Information Resources

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Library Resource
Catalyzing the Land Data Ecosystem

Workshop Report: State of Land Data and Information in East Africa

Documentos e relatórios de conferência
Julho, 2019
África, África Oriental, Quênia, Sudão do Sul, Tanzânia, Uganda

There is no doubt that the Global Data Revolution has reached the land sector. Government data portals, open access academic journals, community mapping initiatives and other citizen-generated data - there is a palpable positive drive across the world that allows processes such as data collection to be more inclusive and open. But within this data momentum, there are still many barriers and questions: Who can access the data, and how? What data is reliable? Who owns the data? What data is up to date? Can I use the data without inflicting harm?

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