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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 696 - 700 of 2117

CO-OIE Discretionary for Uganda FY22-23


OIE Discretionary support for the country office for period running April 2022 to March 2023 Understanding what the external context changes are Uganda is scheduled to hold elections in January 2021. Campaigns are ongoing, albeit with some violence, and limitation of civic space for free campaigns. The political atmosphere is tense and it’s unpredictable what the situation will be in during and after elections. The operating environment for NGOs is getting more restrictive. Some NGOs being forced to close operations, freezing their accounts and staff being deported purportedly due to engaging in politics. If the situation continues unabated livelihoods in urban and rural areas where agricultural production accounts for 70%, businesses from which many people eke a living could be greatly affected. This may exacerbate poverty and its unenviable socio-economic effects and widen the inequality that Oxfam strives to alleviate. The situation has been complicated by militarisation of police structures, presence of armed civilian/non- state actors in political conflicts, riots under the guise of enforcing COVID -19 restrictions. This might impact on the way Oxfam respondsto anticipated situation. The opportunity is that there are Allies in the civil society that we can engage with to tackle these developments. Continued emphasis on infrastructure development with dwindling support for social services like health and education will continue to impact on disposable incomes of the population leading a large proportion at risk of slipping back into poverty. Public financing is still skewed to public administration; with ever burgeoning local governments manifesting in the form of new cities,sub-counties, and town councils. Such is the situation despite resources for service delivery continuing to dwindle. Uganda’s climate is changing: Between 1900 and 2010, the average annual temperature in Uganda increased by 0.8°C - 1.5°C and are projected to riseby between 2°C - 5°C by the year 2100. Increasingly, the country is experiencing significant adverse impacts of climate change, which include changing weather patterns, drop in water levels, and extreme weather such as floods, prolonged drought, famine and intermittent rains, which in turn exacerbate socio-economic vulnerabilities of communities. Disaster loss and damage is on the rise in Uganda with grave consequences for the survival, dignity, and livelihood of the population, particularly the poor . Climate change exacerbates and amplifies the risk of extreme weather disasters such as floods, landslides and droughts resulting into sporadic displacement of residents to neighbouring districts. Disease outbreaks (Ebola, Covid 19, Livestock diseases) and pestilence including desertlocusts and army fall worms have been frequent phenomena and the intensity is on the increase. This may call for more humanitarian actions in the vulnerable communities. These disasters are more likely to cause low agricultural productivity, and the resultant high levels of vulnerability and increased food prices. Besides climate change impacts on the economy, densely populated areas, especially those hosting refugees will bear the heaviest brunt given increased pressure on fuel wood resources. With the current shifts inclimate variability and a prediction that years ahead might experience climate related disasters (floods or dry spells), small scale farmers, especially women, are less likely to significantly gain from agriculture. Unfortunately, the government has limited capacity to respond to such crises. Oxfam will need to use its already developed capacities to strengthen local actors and government roles. High levels of unemployment (9%) among the working age population and youth aged 18-30 years (13.3%) in the country remain a challenge. many of these have opted for migration in the search for jobs. The perceived job creation from the discovery of oil remainsa mirage, and exploitation has remained a point of contention between the Government of Uganda and the multinationals over their refusal to meet tax obligations. This has impacted on revenue generation that could potentially support better social services. With the large youth population being more tech savvy, and increasingly demanding for a voice in decision-making, tension is highly probable if their concerns are not addressed. Uganda is continuing to experience endless influx of refugees from DRC and Southern Sudan due to incessant conflicts in these countries. With the fragile ComprehensiveR-ARCSS Peace Agreement in South Sudan and relentless Ebola crisis in DRC refugee influx is more likely to continue. Although GDP growth remained strong at 6.1% in 2017/2018, the highest recorded since 2013/2014 when the economy grew by 5.1% , it is projected to steadily increase to 6.73% in 2024. However, per capita growth remains insufficient to propel Uganda to lower middle-income status. Uganda's population was 40.3 million in 2019, with 3% annual growth rate with the majority being young, a characteristic of a country with high fertility levels . With 53.1% of the population being less than 18 years and 3.7% are 60 or more years , implying a working age population of 43.2% (between 18 - 59.9 years), Uganda is yet to realize the demographic dividend because the working age population is still low, coupled with widespread unemployment. Agriculture remains the main source of livelihoods for the majority of the population especially in rural areas and it is one of the most important sectors of the economy, employing 72% of the work force and contributing to 25% of GDP. Agricultural exports are primarily unprocessed due to limited value addition. Subsistence remains rife in some areas due to small holder plots of land thatare highly fragmented as a result of the unrelenting population pressure while in other areas limited resources limit optimal utilization of the land. Relying on agriculture, which suffers from limited availability of market, volatile prices, weather-related disasters, poor quality inputs, lack of value addition, lack of skilled labour, and access to land including displacement risks people'slivelihoods. The country is grappling with a rush for land-based investments which increases land conflicts leading to ordinary poor citizens being dispossessed of their land. Large scale land acquisitions and encroachment on wetlands continue unabated despite prevalence of the laws and institutions mandated to regulate operations on land and the environment. The enforcement of the law protecting wetlands remains selective, leaving the plight of people’s livelihoods in jeopardy. Critical sectors that directly impact on people’s livelihoods will be affected by the diversion of funds to COVID-19 response. In addition, the fear of contracting COVID-19 limits people’s engagement in their livelihood activities. The COVID-19 pandemic has the potential to exacerbate the already precarious situations especially the poverty rate that could increase by 2.7 points which shall put additional stress on an already degradingnational economic situation . The effects of COVID-19 on the economy will also continue to worsen unemployment in Uganda, badly hitting low income earners and small and medium enterprises. The pandemic disrupts the way of life and the supply chain as people fear to contract the disease. The economic situation is further worsened by drivers such as regressive tax policies, lack of pro-poor public spending, inequitable access to productive resources, gender based marginalisation among others; for-example, Uganda’s tax system is regressive with over 60% of the tax burden borne by poor citizens as government targets consumption taxes such as Value Added Tax (VAT) and Excise duty as well as personal Income Tax (PAYE) as a direct tax as revenue sources which is increasingly burdening the same group of citizens, while at the same time Uganda lost (from 2010/2011 to 2016/17) about $3 billion in tax incentives and exemptions–or 16% of its total tax revenues, mostly to multinational companies who don’t pay their fair share of taxes. This widens the inequality gap and because of low revenue collections it has stagnated Uganda’s tax to GDP ratio at 13.8% which is the lowest in theEast Africa region. Covid-19 is increasing stress on community level engagements in crisis affected communities; is likely to increase the care work for the elderly people, and redundancy of the youth (boys and girls) increases risk of exposure to early pregnancies and/or marriages. These may limit the effectiveness of interventions especially humanitarian response due to associated stigma. It will be difficult for staff to meet the recommended emergency response standards; resource mobilisation could be negatively be impacted due to change in global change in priorities, continued loss of employment and livelihoods due to lockdowns in movement and restrictions for certain types of work, and a high possibility of continued exposure to Gender Based Violence and other forms of rights violations. This is even more rife in an economy like Ugandan that is largely informal consisting of small holder farmers, petty traders and craftsmen and women. With COVID induced restrictions on travel and movements, poor people are more likely to be thrown into extreme poverty and desperation since they rely on hand to mouth economy. This will in turn breed conflict and criminality as well as exposure to extreme need for critical services like health Continued prevalence of COVID-19 demands new approaches to work like working from home or working online. Hence, exploring working more with partners becomes a great opportunity; especially strengthening and entrenching our relationships with refugee-led organisations and structures that Oxfam has already mobilised and supported through the local humanitarian leadership initiatives. Social norms, patriarchy and power relations have perpetuated inequality and denied women and girls the opportunities to meaningfully participate in social, economic, and political spheres. We envisage effective participation of women in the democratization process, leadership, decision-making and enjoy their rights and live in dignity when patriarchy is dismantled, and progressive laws and policies are in place. The impediments such as teenage pregnancy, early marriage and women’s lack of control over their bodies and their sexual reproductive health rights (SRHR) continue to stagnate health and socioeconomic wellbeing of not only women and girls in Uganda but their families and the entire population. In Uganda, economic inequalities are widening due to uneven economic growth, unfair tax system (about 60% of the tax burden continues to be borne bythe poor and low income earners), weak governance of Uganda’s tax incentives, policy gaps in Uganda’s Double Tax Agreements with other jurisdictions, and weak implementation of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) provisions on amendments of annual Tax laws. Some tax amendment bills for FY 2020/21 have not been passed contrary to section 13 of the PFMA. Other include central government’s non prioritisation of local governments as a key local revenue sources, poor service delivery attributed to corruption in execution of the national budgets, ever growing appetite for external and domestic loans that is continuing to widen the public debt portfolio; weaknesses in the petroleum and mining laws that need urgent review; informal and unregulated artisanal and small scale miners inhibiting their contribution to tax revenue, industry malpractices that exposure to environmental degradation and other social ill; lack of contract and mining and petroleum revenue transparency and accountability, and non-finalisation of Petroleum revenue investment framework and fiscal rules. The high handedness of the state on operations of civil society, low technical appreciation of new political leaders, unlawful and inhuman labour practices, EACOP related human rights challenges around land and environment, human rights and environmental challenges associated with implementation of the Extractives Projects, and failure to seek informed consent prior to using resources Amidst these challenges, there are opportunities that Oxfam can leverage on to mitigate some of the challenges highlighted. For instance the organisation will position itself to play a key role in development of Uganda’s Tax expenditure governance framework; will track stakeholders commitments on aid for domestic revenue mobilisation as per Addis Tax Initiative Phase 2;will be a key player in influencing renegotiation of Uganda’s Double Tax Agreements with other jurisdictions, as well as influencing government to deliver on commitments on investments in human capital development sectors. Further, the Oxfam, will liaise with other actors to influence donor and government accountability on COVID-19 loans to Uganda; EITI Annual reporting in the next 18 months; conclusion on the final investment decision by the IPC expected by end of 2020 that will speed up all the development projects to usher Uganda into first oil; formalisation of artisan small scale miners; policy review and reforms of the Mining’s Act 2003 that gives us an opportunity to participate, and formulation of Petroleum revenue investment framework anticipated to start the operations of the PFMA. 1. Given this context, what will your portfolio look like? What do you envision you need to start now in order to see it bear fruit later, in the further horizons of our work? What has this context meant for what you envision and plan for your portfolio in the next period / 2 to 3-year horizon? The program will aim to strengthen the nexus between humanitarian, development, campaigns and peace. All that will be planned should contribute to realization of more than one strategic objective of Oxfam in Uganda country strategy in a bid to promoting a One Program Approach (OPA). We will proactively look out for this alignment and a checklist will be put in place to track this. It is through the OPA that we will be able to achieve more impact with less resources. It will ensure capacity building of local and national actors and partnering with them to plan and timely respond to shocks and changes withCOVID-19 sensitivity in their communities. We shall focus on enhancing capacities to participate and influence humanitarian policies and practices. We will ensure that Oxfam continues working with others (partners), and involving both women, youth, and men, responds timely and effectively to disasters when they arise. The program will entail mobilizing to influence the humanitarian agenda locally, nationally, and regionally. We will also seek to increase resilience of communities prone to disasters through integration of climate change adaptation, DRR initiatives, COVID mitigation and Peace building in both the humanitarian and development work. We shall conduct community consultation and inclusion of their ideas in programme design in line with their capacities. Efforts will be made to hold governments and donor agencies accountable to their commitments at local, national, and global level. The Oxfam willprioritise update of the context analysis and strategic development to respond to changing context. A review of internal team capacity to address the changes will inform actions for capacity building. Further, Oxfam will invest in strengthening the capacity of CSOs and citizens to become tax justice champions and to influence for a fair tax system at all levels; influence the implementationof prudent public finance management reforms including budget advocacy; strengthen the capacity of investigative journalists on accountable public sending, illicit financial flows and fair taxation as well as personal digital security; strengthen the capacity of local governments to enhance local revenue mobilisation, and strengthen the capacity of citizens and CSOs to demand and hold government and donors accountable. We also envisage to strengthen capacities of civil society organisations to operate in restricted environment; conduct research and investigative journalism on the key issues affecting proper governance of the extractives industry on among others revenue transparency, human rights and environment l rights taxation; will advocate and influence policy formulation and enactment of laws to ensure that they are people-centred to reduce inequalities and are inclusive, and will empower citizens to meaningfully participate in policy formulation and implementation.

Seventh Operational Phase of the GEF Small Grants Program in Sri Lanka


To build social, economic, and socio-ecological resilience in Sri Lanka of Knuckles Conservation Forest and its buffer zone, the coastal region from Mannar Island to Jaffna, and the Colombo urban wetlands through community-based activities for global environmental benefits and sustainable development


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

The durability of the multiple global environmental benefits generated through the community-driven interventions in the project landscapes will largely depend upon sustained socioeconomic benefits for local communities. Introduction and adoption of income generating measures. At the local level, increased income generating measures and economic incentives will be promoted that give local communities reason to adopt them, and these measures will generate economic benefits to the communities in the short as well as longer term in order to be considered sustainable. The technologies and approaches promoted are expected to increase land productivity and enhance food security.Support community development, particularly those initiatives that contribute towards generating environmental benefits. There are 36 villages within Knuckles conserved forest and its buffer zone. Access to most of these villages is difficult, and there are very few opportunities for income generation avenues in those villages. Large numbers of men, especially the younger generations, leave villages to find other income generating means, mostly as unskilled labour. Similar situations have been observed in the communities of Mannar landscape, as well. This situation leads to a fragile family structure, with only women with children and elderly people remaining in the villages. The project will address this issue by targeting income generating programmes, e.g., eco-tourism, small scale social entrepreneurship, green agro-business etc., especially for women, youth, elderly, people with disabilities, and other marginalized groups. Normal 0 false false false en-US X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";} Increased access and adoption of new technologies for sustainable livelihoods. The communities in all three landscapes are lacking in new knowledge and technologies for farming and other non-agricultural activities leading to poor productivity and inferior quality. Inappropriate technologies are low in efficiency and harmful to the sustainability of production systems and the environment. Providing communities with new knowledge and suitable technologies will improve productivity while strengthening sustainability. This will lead to adoption of new income generating avenues. Enhanced access to micro finance facilities to women entrepreneurs. Poor access to financial facilities is another drawbacks identified especially in the development of small-scale entrepreneurship in green, agro-based industries. Securing a loan from commercial banks is a herculean task for these communities, as they do not possess required knowledge and are unfamiliar with the processes. Therefore, most of the community members – particularly women – use unauthorized micro credit facilities or pawn their valuables to obtain their financial needs. Facilitating partnerships through the multi-stakeholder landscape platforms, delivering capacity building on improving financial management skills, and disseminating information on available financing options for local community organizations will help enhance small-scale entrepreneurship. Capacity development and women’s empowerment. Capacity building is one of the pillars of the SGP. Capacity building activities will be implemented based on a training-of-trainers approach through farmer field schools, etc., which are considered more sustainable. Once the new technologies are adopted it is expected that farmers will continue to innovate and apply them, achieving greater profitability while at the same time generating environmental benefits.New entrepreneurships and access to new markets. Project interventions will improve the community products and services which are already available in the landscape and will assist in developing small-scale entrepreneurship with improved market channels, including local and international markets. This intervention aims at removing interference by intermediaries in the value chain, so that the benefits will be directly transferred. Eco-tourism. Each of the project landscapes has been identified by the government as eco-tourism destinations. The project will capture the potential for ecotourism, which will assist communities to increase their income in this sector. The project will also work with government line agencies as well as the private sector to develop ecotourism, so that the communities receive benefits directly.Improved well-being. Home gardening and good agricultural practices (GAP) are the two main aspects related to agroecosystems. These two approaches will be promoted to produce healthy and safe foods. Under these programmes, new water saving technologies will be introduced to the farming communities, so that the communities and their agricultural production are more resilient to climate change. Both these programmes will reduce the use of agro-chemicals, resulting in production of safe food for the home community as well as for the market. Improved land productivity through SLM and availability of quality green products. The project will promote sustainable land management (SLM) practices in all landscapes using farmer Field Schools. It was also revealed during discussions with the farmers that the majority of them do not pay much attention to land levelling and good tillage practices due to financial constraints. Inadequate land levelling leads to inefficient use of irrigation water, fertilizers and pesticides. The impact of drought and floods too can be severe in improperly levelled paddy fields. The project is relevant with respect to several of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), most notably SDG 1 (No Poverty), SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), SDG 5 (Gender Equality), SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), SDG 13 (Climate Action), SDG 14 (Life below Water), SDG 15 (Life on Land), and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals, as outlined below in Table 2 of the Project Document. Table 2 of the Project Document: Project contributions towards Sustainable Development Goals Normal 0 false false false en-US X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";}

An enabling policy and legislative environment to promote and translate into action women’s access to land, pr


This outcome aims to address gaps to equal engagement within the agribusiness value chain in both rural and urban areas, and hence includes elements focused on entrepreneurship. If barriers to women’s access to land and resources are removed and if an enabling legislative framework, supported by strong technical capacities are in place, then women’s land tenure and income will increase, because discrimination against women to own, control use land is removed.

Promoting integrated metropolitan planning and innovative urban technology investments in Brazil


Brazilian metropolitan regions reduce greenhouse gas emissions, conserve biodiversity and achieve economic, social and environmental co-benefits through an integrated urban planning approach.


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

The GEF-7 project aims to generate social, economic and environmental benefits for Brazil and its citizens. The project objective makes reference to co-benefits that will be generated in addition to mitigation and biodiversity benefits. 1) Social Benefits The project aims to create significant social benefits for local city populations by applying an integrated approach which facilitates collaborative and participatory urban development, leading to more inclusive cities. For instance, the development of project plans and pilot investments will be designed through participatory processes in each city. This will ensure that the concerns, needs and priorities of residents, local communities and civil society organizations will be considered and incorporated in such interventions, leading to outcomes that respond to social needs. Project activities will improve the management of important urban issues such as transportation, sanitation and urban sprawl, leading to an improvement in people’s quality of life in the pilot metropolitan regions. This will include as with regards to health (low-emission transport, improved sanitation management), safety (reduced urban sprawl leading to more compact cities, with better provision of urban services including lighting and policing), and productivity (reduced travel times, greater safety). The development of platforms for the integration of municipal plans and data, and the strengthening of capacities for better metropolitan governance, are some examples of activities that can increase the population’s access to important public services. Furthermore, the developed climate mitigation plan will promote a low-emission development pathway, leading to reduced air contamination and consequently reduced negative health impacts upon the local community. Plans to promote the scale-up of low-emission zones focus on developing spaces that promote a more livable and people-focused space. These will be designed as places for people, rather than for transport thorough-fares. A second category of benefits, which in some cases can be translated, or converted, into economic terms (in others not), consists of the social benefits derived from increased access to green space, both within urban centers and in urban and nearby protected areas. The project’s support for green space establishment and conservation has the potential to make a significant contribution to the wellbeing of urban residents in each of the pilot cities. Benefits are associated with recreational opportunities that encourage residents to spend increased amount of time outdoors in natural surroundings. In addition to physical and health benefits associated with enhanced opportunities for exercise (walking, biking, etc.), a range of additional health and wellness benefits, including enhanced cognition, arise from the restorative benefits of nature exposure. As noted, such benefits have an economic component as well, via improved health and wellbeing and enhanced productivity. Another important benefit correlates specifically with the theme of gender – and inclusivity more broadly. Mapping opportunities, training on issues and addressing gender, in addition to fostering a governance structure that strengthens women’s action, give voice to vulnerably etc., can be a gateway to empowerment of women and other marginalized groups within the project’s sites (see also the gender analysis and action plan for details). One example is the support for sustainable value chains on the Combú Island Environmental Protection Area (Belém), which has a strong potential to contribute to the strengthening of female leadership, in addition to rescuing culture and traditions of riverine traditional populations in the region. 2) Economic Benefits Through its component 3, the project aims to directly lead to economic benefits for Brazilian municipalities by enhancing the availability of financial offer for investing in sustainable urban development. By having enhanced access to such public financing, municipalities will be able to increase investment, and attract greater private investment, for promoting the development of sustainable cities. Increased investment in urban infrastructure is a significant job-creator and stimulus for responding from economic downturns, which many Brazilian cities currently find themselves within. The project also focuses on creating economic benefits for civil society and the private sector. On the former, through the development of integrated plans in component 1, the project aims to lead to reduced travel times (through prioritization of public and non-motorized transport) and reduced energy usage costs (through uptake of efficiency measures) for communities, resulting in increased productivity and household savings. The project also aims to directly kick-start new economic opportunities for the private sector. Building on the component 2 investments, national financing institutions will strengthen and create financial instruments for catalyzing new opportunities for private sector investment in areas such as transport, energy services and waste management. For instance, the project will support FINEP to strengthen financial instruments for incentivizing micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises to innovate solutions for responding to local sustainable urban development challenges. This may build upon existing innovation calls it has in the areas of Technology 4.0, Innovative Women, and Investment in Innovative Startups, as related to the urban context. Improving metropolitan governance is also expected to promote better management of public resources and investments, potentially increasing the availability of resources to address other urban issues. If executed effectively, the project has the potential to change realities and leverage economic development where it intervenes locally. An example is the coordinated action between municipalities for basic sanitation solutions, which can potentially optimize public and private investments in each municipality through economies of scale, thus potentially generating a surplus for investment in other projects. Within the scope of pilot interventions to be carried out by the project, activities that revive the local trade and services through urban upgrading projects may generate economic gains and potentially also employment opportunities. Another example relates to fostering sustainable tourism and the sustainable production of local produce from certain protected areas. They represent an important source of income to local people and an incentive to protect nature and support these areas. Taking a longer-term view, it is also possible to consider reductions in public health costs as a result of stimulating low-emission zones and transport modes. Likewise, better structuring of the urban environment through requalification can also have climate change adaptation benefits and result in potential savings for addressing the consequences of climate change, for example, in connection with the recovery of urban infrastructure affected by natural disasters. 3) Environmental Benefits Beyond mitigation and biodiversity benefits to be generated by the project, described in section 6, there are many other environmental benefits that result from its interventions. These include: (i) reduced pollution in the form of noise, water, air and soil pollution; (ii) reduced heat island effect associated with excess traffic and the burning of fossil fuel; (iii) the spontaneous creation of urban gardens by surrounding communities as a result of the enhancement of green areas and their inclusion into the overall management of the wider landscapes, fighting thereby land degradation and food security locally. Concretely, in Belem, Teresina and Florianopolis the climate mitigation and low-emission technology action plans, the low-emission zone pilots, and the low-emission zone plans will lead to reduced air contamination and heat island effect. Furthermore, in Belem, the integrated solid waste plan will lead to less solid waste disposal, more solid waste recycling and re-use, and consequential reduced land and ground water contamination.Furthermore, the GEF project, through its interventions in component 1 and 2, will contribute directly to increasing the resilience and supporting the adaptation of the metropolitan regions of Belem, Florianopolis and Teresina. On the one hand, the integrated planning platforms will support metropolitan actors to visualize key geospatial data, including layers related to geographical and physical attributes of the city’s environment. Through these platforms and such visualization, the cities will be able to plan more effectively for building resilience, for instance with regards to managing coastline development to avoid erosion and increased possibility of flooding in Belem and Florianopolis. Furthermore, the integrated plans that the cities develop in component 1 will take into account risk matrices, ensuring that new developments incorporate considerations of urban resilience. For instance, in Teresina, the climate mitigation and low-emission technology plan may also focus on nature based solutions and other interventions to reduce the urban heat island (UHI) effect, one of the key challenges in the city. In this way, through natural and low-emission cooling measures, the plan will support the city to reduce GHG emissions generated through air conditioning, as well as increase the city’s resilience to temperature rise.Component 2 also contributes directly to climate adaptation and resilience benefits. While the exact solutions will be determined during project execution, the integrated low emission street, block and district in Belem, Teresina and Florianópolis (Ouputs 2.1, 2.3 and 2.4) may include nature-based solutions that reduce UHI effect, but also serve to support storm-water runoff management and reduce flood impacts. This may also include solutions related to green infrastructure (such as green façades and roofs). The low-emission zones may also pilot solutions such as the retrofitting of public buildings and the use of sustainable materials with high thermal inertia to address UHI effects, increasing local resilience to increased temperatures in all three cities. Furthermore, the agroforestry production chain in Combu Island (Output 2.2) aims to provide benefits for climate resilience by reducing the vulnerability to extreme events both with regards to agriculture productivity and for the families that rely on the income from such agriculture. In synthesis, project interventions aim to reduce the vulnerability of communities directly involved in the areas of intervention by the implementation of integrated and climate-resilient solutions.

Integrated S-NFI, CCCM, and Protection responses for vulnerable and underserved populations in Wau


7.5 million people in South Sudan need humanitarian assistance (South Sudan 2020 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP)). The Shelter and Non-food items (S-NFI) Cluster estimates 2.3 million people have limited or no access to adequate shelter and non-food items in 2020. Lack of S-NFI supplies exposes affected communities, particularly internally displaced persons (IDPs), to health and protection risks. Women and children are predominantly exposed to gender-based violence (GBV) risks, especially when travelling long distances to meet household S-NFI needs. At least 4.5 million of those in need of humanitarian assistance require protection assistance. The formation of the Government of National Unity in February 2020 may lead to an increase in returns, which could escalate housing, land and property (HLP) issues as returnees find their land/properties claimed by others, amplifying challenges of security of land tenure, and leading to an upsurge in the need for legal aid services for arbitration of claims. Returns may also lead to an increase in persons forced to settle on undesirable, difficult-to-access and marginal land, creating protection risks, and fragmenting information flow. According to the Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) 2020, an estimated 1.6 million people will need Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) services. Of these, 1.07 million IDPs will be in spontaneous settlements and camp-like settlements relying on humanitarian assistance. IOM CCCM will conduct mobile camp management services in camp-like settings in hard-to-reach areas, establishing CCCM coordination structures with service providers and relevant community structures, including rehabilitation of community centres undertaking community mobilization and engagement for information dissemination on the use and purpose of complaints feedback mechanisms (CFM) and supporting community-led site maintenance activities. Oxfam will lead in development of protection analysis that will inform the CCCM response on engagement with community structures. IOM and Oxfam propose a multi-sectoral approach encompassing CCCM, S-NFIs and Protection, enabling provision of holistic support to vulnerable communities in Wau County, Western Bahr el Ghazal. IOM seeks to continue the provision of life-saving and life-sustaining S-NFI services to individuals in prioritized communities in Wau County. Key activities will include: 1) The provision of crucial S-NFI material assistance to 26,000 individuals through in-kind and cash-based intervention modalities S-NFI frontline teams based in Wau will be deployed to provide humanitarian assistance and 2) Coordination, information management, and partner support services, provided through S-NFI Cluster leadership with two IOM staff acting as S-NFI Cluster State Focal Points (SFPs). Oxfam will work with IOM to engage communities on selection criteria and identification of PSN to be assisted by the NFI response. During distribution, Oxfam will support with the identification of persons with special needs (PSNs). Individual beneficiaries in need for cash-based protection assistance will be assisted jointly by Oxfam and IOM S-NFI. Together the partners will identify protection risks to be considered by site management committees and support development of risk mitigation measures. The project will ensure all activities prioritize the unique and specialized needs of vulnerable groups. IOM and Oxfam have established CFM and accountability to affected populations (AAP) tools to advance equitable and accessible service delivery, whilst ensuring GBV and HLP protection services are made available to beneficiaries. The project will ensure the inclusion and participation of women, persons with disabilities, youth, and other vulnerable groups during implementation and monitoring, and will provide critical life-saving solutions, whilst strengthening and reinforcing community-based structures, and building the resilience of targeted communities.