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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 1276 - 1280 of 2117

F.a: Equality and Non-Discrimination of Women’s Land Rights Project


The project aims at building the capacity and skills of women on the legal framework and policies in regards to how they can legally and persistently engage with duty bearers to emphasize their rights to ownership and control of matrimonial properties, wit h reference to land and land properties. in addition, the project will focus on land rights education including succession, matrimonial property and womens' right to land for effective economic progress of women in Kisumu communities.

F.a: Land and livelihood advocacy project


1. Project: 11435 Land and Livelihood Advocacy Project (LLAP)#2. Project area and Country: Pursat and Kampong Speu Provinces in Cambodia.#3. Project justification: #Accessing land titles is still a constraint for many people in rural Cambodia. The vulnerab le people in the communities often have no land titles, which then results into land conflicts with their neighbours and newcomers as the lands of the poor people are easy targets for powerful people and private companies. When land conflict cases have bee n brought to the provincial court, the ruling is often against the poor people due to corruption. The majority of community people are illiterate and do not understand the processes to obtain rights to land, besides which they lack information form the rel evant authorities on Land Law and Land Registration. In addition, the duty-bearers have poor knowledge and skills on Alternative Disputes Resolution (ADR) and have to send all land conflicts to district and provincial courts for decision-making.#4. The mai n objective and the expected results:#The main objective of the Land and Livelihood Advocacy Project is to improve the quality of the dispute resolution process and to increase access to justice by the poor in Pursat and Kampong Speu Provinces. The project seeks to provide the commune councils with the necessarily skills to mediate and resolve conflicts related to land and family issues at the local level. It also aims to build the capacity of the district officers to work together with the commune council to solve the land and family conflicts. The project will continue the capacity building on basic Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) started in the previous phase.#At the end of the project, the targeted community members will have increased knowledge and understanding of Land Law and Rights and basic Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and Family Law. The project will also promote dialogue platform on land conflict resolution for right holders and duty bearers at national level and will carry out case in vestigation on the reported disputes.#5. Right-holders/ beneficiaries: 4,560 beneficiaries (farmers, youth, and elderly)#Duty bearers: District officials, commune councilors, and village chiefs#6. Implementing partner: Life With Dignity (LWD)

F.a: Land and livelihood advocacy project


1. Project: 11435 Land and Livelihood Advocacy Project (LLAP)#2. Project area and Country: Pursat and Kampong Speu Provinces in Cambodia.#3. Project justification: #Accessing land titles is still a constraint for many people in rural Cambodia. The vulnerab le people in the communities often have no land titles, which then results into land conflicts with their neighbours and newcomers as the lands of the poor people are easy targets for powerful people and private companies. When land conflict cases have bee n brought to the provincial court, the ruling is often against the poor people due to corruption. The majority of community people are illiterate and do not understand the processes to obtain rights to land, besides which they lack information form the rel evant authorities on Land Law and Land Registration. In addition, the duty-bearers have poor knowledge and skills on Alternative Disputes Resolution (ADR) and have to send all land conflicts to district and provincial courts for decision-making.#4. The mai n objective and the expected results:#The main objective of the Land and Livelihood Advocacy Project is to improve the quality of the dispute resolution process and to increase access to justice by the poor in Pursat and Kampong Speu Provinces. The project seeks to provide the commune councils with the necessarily skills to mediate and resolve conflicts related to land and family issues at the local level. It also aims to build the capacity of the district officers to work together with the commune council to solve the land and family conflicts. The project will continue the capacity building on basic Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) started in the previous phase.#At the end of the project, the targeted community members will have increased knowledge and understanding of Land Law and Rights and basic Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and Family Law. The project will also promote dialogue platform on land conflict resolution for right holders and duty bearers at national level and will carry out case in vestigation on the reported disputes.#5. Right-holders/ beneficiaries: 4,560 beneficiaries (farmers, youth, and elderly)#Duty bearers: District officials, commune councilors, and village chiefs#6. Implementing partner: Life With Dignity (LWD)