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Community Organizations Oxfam Novib
Oxfam Novib
Oxfam Novib
Non-profit organization


Mission and Vision

A just world, without poverty. That is our mission. We believe that people can build independent livelihoods, provided their rights are respected. That is why we help people around the world to stand up for their rights.

1. Right to sustainable livelihood resources

Everybody must be sure of a fair income and enough to eat. Yet this is not the case for 20% of the world’s population. That is why we are working on better access to land and water, and on fair working and trading conditions.

2. Right to basic social services

Education and health care are essential for building better societies. Yet even as we make progress towards universal primary education, around the world, there are still 130 million kids in school who fail to learn basic reading, writing and maths. When governments fail to deliver, Oxfam together with partner organizations invest in quality basic social services.

3. Right to life and security

Natural disasters, climate change and armed conflicts hit millions of people every year. We support them with relief aid and reconstruction. And we prepare people to prevent or mitigate the effects of disasters and conflicts.

4. Right to social and political participation

Knowledge is power. We believe that when people can participate in public decisions that affect them, they can build independent livelihoods and thriving communities.Together with partners we give people access to information and a voice.

5. Right to an identity

Gender inequality is both a violation of human rights and an obstacle to sustainable development. In a just world there is no place for the discrimination of women and minorities.

Our Core Values

When people’s basic rights are respected, we can rid the world of poverty and injustice. This is what we stand for:

  • Empowerment

We work on the basis of the power and potential of people. We provide practical and innovative solutions to empower people to build their livelihoods without poverty.

  • Accountability

We call on those in power to consider people in a vulnerable position in word and action.  And we of course account for our own work to governments, donors, supporters, volunteers, corporations and almost 17 million Dutch men and women.

  • Inclusiveness

We are all equal, irrespective of the accident of birth, gender, faith or sexual orientation. In all our work we give special attention to the position and rights of women and minorities. And given the potentially pivotal role of women as agents of change, gender justice is at the heart of everything we do.



Displaying 286 - 290 of 328

Soutien alimentaire pour des populations vulnerables de Haut Katanga


Ce projet vise à améliorer la sécurité alimentaire des 975 ménages, dont environ 975 hommes, 975 femmes, 2925 garçons et 2925 filles, grâce à des transferts monétaires et à la provision de kits agricoles. Alors que les transferts en espèces soutiendront les besoins alimentaires immédiats du ménage, les kits agricoles soutiendront la résilience des ménages qui ont accès à la terre. Les communautés hôtes et les personnes déplacées seront ciblées pour ce projet, la sélection des bénéficiaires sera déterminée en fonction de la vulnérabilité des ménages. WV est opérationnel dans le Territoire de Pweto depuis 2012 et possède une expérience significative de la programmation des moyens de subsistance à travers des initiatives agricoles et les transferts monétaires.

Master's Degree Program in Urban and Regional Development(2022)


To enhance participants knowledge and experience in the field of urban and regional development including master planning land use planning real estate and housing development urban redevelopment and new town development


To enhance participants knowledge and experience in the field of urban and regional development including master planning land use planning real estate and housing development urban redevelopment and new town development

TFSN Land Governance in Cambodia


The SDC identified four key criteria for the successful project include proposed project team, proposed intervention strategy, procedure and organization, and financial proposal. SDC compared ONL score to the winning bid and the average value. Most of the scores were lower than the average, except the financial proposal (4.3 compared to average 3.4). Specific lessons learnt: 1. The required CVs for the proposed project team were not given adequate attention till the last moment. 2. The intervention strategy was a little bit broad as it is regional project. 3. SDC should have been included as an actor on land governance in the project rather than donoronly.

Uganda Women's Leadership Project


UWONET will seek to achieve the successful domestication of the Maputo Protocol, mainly focusing on Land by strengthening the capacity of civil society organisations to proactively hold government accountable for the implementation of the Land Policy. Strong collective women#s and civil society voices are well known to be a critical factor in pushing for implementation of policies. This project will therefore continue to invest in the strengthening of a strong coordinated, Ugandan women#s movement. A network of consortium members and other actors operating initiatives advancing the Women#s land rights guaranteed under the protocol shall work together to identify priority issues for redress and design appropriate strategies. Through the Women#s body atParliament Local women#s rights activists, Women#s rights organisations and local women political leaders will be linked to the parliamentarians to demand for rejuvenation and set up of Land management structures at Local levels. The capacity of women particularly those from the grassroots will be built to be able to participate and be heard in government planning and budgeting processing to influence budget allocationsto services that matter for the poor and rural women. The proposed project builds on the concluded 5-year Raising Her Voice Project (RHVP) which was conceived and designed to influence the Uganda Government to ratify and domesticate the Africa Union Protocol on Women#s Rights without harmful reservations; and to contribute to promotingthe role of women in the decision-makprocesses affecting their lives. The five-year Project was launched in 2008 and ended in March 2013. This project will be part of the 2nd phase of the RHV with started march 2014. Although the 2nd phase of the projectfocuses on fostering Local women#s activism and leadership to advance Women#s land rights and fight against VAW, the 3rd year of the 2nd phase of RHV will only focus on Women#s Land rights. This project aims to build on this momentum by specifically building capacity of rural women and women leaders to be at the forefront of advocating for the issues impinging on their rights especially the right to Land especially land inheritance and succession rights. Theproject will building women#s capacity to engage with the governance framework and cultural institutions at different levels so that functional land management structures are put in place and responsive to the needs of women. It#s envisaged that the engagement of women with cultural institutions andLegal framework will increase land accessibility for women as well and control. The voices ofwomen At local level, the project will be implemented in 3 sub regions of the Greater north , in the districts of Lamwo, Kitgum( Acholi region) Kabong and Kotido( Karamoja region) and Nebbi and Arua (Westnile region). Given the situation of women in northern Uganda with regard to high land ownership injustices and other injustices against women, domestication and implementation of the Maputo Protocol is important to address gaps in policy, laws and implementation of programmes to address women#s rights. The project willfocus on pushing for the implementation of the recently passed land policy.