Reseau de lutte contre la faim au Cameroun | Land Portal


Working languages: 

RELUFA works in Cameroon with local communities through Capacity buildings, Conducting Studies and restitution of recommendations to stakeholders, Mobilization of affected local communities and CSOs.

RELUFA has as mission to combat systemic problems generating poverty, hunger and economic, social and environment injustices. This is done through two programs : Extractive Industries, Land and Food Justice


  • Extractive Industries

In this program, RELUFA has identified as objectives:

  • To ensure that the extractive sector in Cameroon contributes to the development of local communities;
  • Ensure that national and local governments manage the natural resources of Cameroon in a transparent, fair and responsible manner.

To achieve these objectives, RELUFA:

  • Conduct monitoring and advocacy on issues raised by the host communities of extractive projects;
  • Monitor the impact of projects on the local communities;
  • Facilitate exchanges between affected communities;
  • Advocate for transparency and responsible management of extractive industries revenues  for poverty alleviation;
  • Monitor the activities of extractive industries operators in Cameroon;
  • Monitor the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative and RELUFA is one of the founding member of the Cameroon Coalition of “Publish What You Pay”;
  • A Member Kimberley Process implementing committee in Cameroon.
  • Land and Food Justice

This program seeks to:

  • Document, raise awareness and denounce the negative impacts of large scale land concessions in Cameroon;
  • Contribute to the improvement of transparency in land transactions in Cameroon;
  • Support and equip local communities deprived of their land in the defense of their property rights;
  • Supporting communities in the Far North of Cameroon in the management of available food stocks through our community grain banks;
  • Mobilize people and support advocacy for better agricultural policies,
  • Contribute to the promotion of the right to food in Cameroon.

Reseau de lutte contre la faim au Cameroun Resources

Exibindo 1 - 4 de 4
Library Resource
Relatórios e Pesquisa
Janeiro, 2023
Library Resource
Relatórios e Pesquisa
Janeiro, 2023
Library Resource
Relatórios e Pesquisa
Maio, 2021

La décision du gouvernement camerounais de réformer le cadre juridique du foncier est une opportunité d’assurer une réelle protection des droits fonciers ruraux, dans un contexte où les investissements et les projets à grande échelle augmentent l’insécurité foncière à travers le pays. En réponse à une invitation de l’administration à contribuer à la conception de ce nouveau cadre législatif, les acteurs de la société civile ont énoncé ces dernières années de nombreuses propositions sur les sujets à intégrer dans la nouvelle législation foncière.

Geographical focus: 


The project aims to (i) strengthen capacities of key stakeholders in establishing recognition of claims to land access and to (ii) establish legitimate and sustainable mechanisms of multi-stakeholder consultation for decision-making concerning the revision of legal frameworks, policy strategies and administrative regulations which influence the rights of access to and use of land and natural resources for rural actors in Cameroon

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