The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC; French: Conseil économique et social des Nations unies, CESNU) is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations, responsible for coordinating the economic and social fields of the organisation, specifically in regards to the 15 specialised agencies, the eight functional commissions and the five regional commissions under its jurisdiction.
The Council serves as the central forum for discussing international economic and social issues and formulating policy recommendations addressed to member states and the United Nations system. A number of non-governmental organisations have been granted consultative status to the Council to participate in the work of the United Nations.
Displaying 96 - 100 of 224Note on : the land tenure system in the Niger customary rights public and private domain
The purpose, and often the result, of the legislation which has been gradually introduced over the last fifty years has been to replace a system of unwritten customary rights which varied from region to region with a relatively simple system of land ownership based on written and published texts, familiar to all and applicable to the territory as a whole.
Note on: the land tenure system in the Niger customary rights public and private domain
The Second United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Africa held at Tunis in September 1966, the Niger in association with Madagascar; presented a resolution recommending that the ECA organize a seminar on cadastre. It was hoped that such a seminar would enable the Niger to become acquainted with and compare the latest methods used by certain African countries and possibly to benefit from their experience in establishing a cadastre in the Niger.
Lèves cadastraux et immatriculation foncière en république socialiste tchécoslovaque
L'origine du cadastre tchécoslovaque remonte à plusieurs siècles et l'on Peut en retracer l'histoire jusqu'au Moyen Age. Après diverses tentatives d'exploitation des données cartographiques et des documents relatifs aux titres de propriété une ordonnance a été promulgué en 1817 sur l'établissement d'un cadastre permanent.
Cadastral surveys and the system of land registration in Madagascar
"The word cadastre is the technical term signifying the surveying of parcels of land, establishing their area, value and ownership (or any other title of occupancy)". This definition seems to deal only with the topographical aspect of the system, in other words, the demarcation of a group of parcels, with their area, their boundaries and the name of the owner. In Madagascar, in addition to this demarcation, the owner must establish his title by an official instrument.
L'experience et les realisations de la pologne dans le domaine du cadastre
Les thèmes et I’ objet du Cycle d’études rejoignent les problèmes qui se sont poses et se posent encore a, la Pologne; c'est pourquoi j'ai cru bon de rédiger le présent document sur notre expérience et nos réalisations dans ce domaine.