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Community Organizations United States Agency for International Development
United States Agency for International Development
United States Agency for International Development
Intergovernmental or Multilateral organization


About Us

We envision a world in which land governance systems, both formal and informal, are effective, accessible, and responsive for all. This is possible when land tenure and property rights are recognized as critical development issues and when the United States Government and its development partners demonstrate consistent attention and a firm commitment to supporting coordinated policies and programs that clarify and strengthen the land tenure and property rights of all members of society, enabling broad-based economic growth, gender equality, reduced incidence of conflicts, enhanced food security, improved resilience to climate change, and effective natural resource management.

Mission Statement

The USAID Land Tenure and Resource Management (LTRM) Office will lead the United States Government to realize international efforts—in accordance with the U.S. Government’s Land Governance Policy—to clarify and strengthen the land tenure and property rights of all members of society—individuals, groups and legal entities, including those individuals and groups that are often marginalized, and the LTRM Office will help ensure that land governance systems are effective, accessible, and responsive. We will achieve this by testing innovative models for securing land tenure and property rights and disseminating best practice as it relates to securing land rights and improving resource governance within the USG and our development partners.



Displaying 311 - 315 of 440



SilvaCarbon is a flagship U.S. interagency program that enhances capacity in more than 25 developing countries to gather, analyze, and use data to improve agricultural, forestry, and land management practices. The program disseminates U.S. scientific standards and methods, which strengthen evidence-based land use planning, and distributes innovative U.S. technology such as satellite and laser monitoring of forests. It provides essential training in forest and terrestrial carbon estimation methodologies to improve developing countries monitoring, reporting, and verification capacity and performance. This in turn helps ensure that countries achieve the same high reporting standards as the U.S. in the context of the UNFCCC, as well as improves performance in agricultural regions that are key suppliers for major U.S. companies.

Africa Regional Democracy Fund (ARDF): Strengthening Land Rights for Indigenous Peoples and Marginalized Commu


Research and provide the necessary background, legal argumentation, and training to empower local and indigenous communities to engage with government institutions and policymakers on an equal footing regarding land rights and reforms. The program focuses on the marginalized San and Ovahimba peoples.

Contribute to building resilience and improve vulnerable people’s access to basic services and respond to prot


The project is designed to cover the immediate food insecurity and livelihoods diversification skills, lack of knowledge of improved agriculture practice and wide spread of livestock diseases and management of natural resources targeting total of 1110 direct beneficiaries out of 15000 person living on 6 villages which over 60% of them are women and children. Most vulnerable farmers and pastoralists ,10 disables people with low-skills, living in Tendalti locality White Nile state will cover 6 villages (Um hejlija,Salima,Um Rawia,Um Gidahat,Almalieh,Altahra) , to reduce poverty, ensure food security, healthy lives and aims to contribute to protect vulnerable populations of 6 villages 90% are farmers affected by economic crises natural disasters such as drought and floods and more recently high increase of inflation These villages have not received SHF or CERF allocations in 2019 and not covered by any sectors under special 2020 CERF allocation (reported by Locality Managing Director) The project will be implemented multi sectoral interventions providing assistance with lifesaving coupled to strengthen the targeted communities’ resilience, sustainability protecting and improving their existing livelihood assets to pave the way forward to sustainable improved food security , income gain and malnutrition through ensuring availability of complement health (None health activities) and nutrition activities by complementing diet diversity, HH income , build capacity of farmers and livestock owners in producing , accessing food, protect their assets, –diversify their livelihoods hence increasing their self-reliance, by provision of farming inputs including assorted crops and vegetables seeds packages and hand tools, seeds and agricultural tools to 800 HH beneficiaries. Conducting 6 information sessions on sustainable agricultural practices farmer’s HH 51% female and 49% male to improve food security, will contribute to improve food production and productivity of sustainable agricultural practices, Distribution of 900 small ruminants to 300 vulnerable households 3 each 60% female and 40% male, conducting 2 information sessions on animal husbandry, Vaccination treatment for 10,000 head of animal support mass livestock vaccination10 PWD 6 women and 4 men will be included and provided by IGAs to live with dignity For protection BPWO will targe 1325 beneficiaries out of more than 15000 person living in 6 villages, 5 training for protection worker/volunteers after establishing 5 women committees will be conducted targeting women and girls, focusing on improving community knowledge and ensure GBV prevention and response is well Integrated to reveal existing and potential GBV risks associated with project participation and protection activities to increase their knowledge of protection and GBV issues and inequality between male and female, which decreases women access to productive resources, relief commodities seeds, tools , productive land, better access to justice and greater security, as well as on mother’s role to support community health and hygiene, accompanied by distribution of dignity kits, Building women’s leadership and engaging men as allies will reduce GBV risks, fight bad habits and norms like early marriage, FGM, and will adopt policies that prohibit discrimination, exploitation, harassment, and VAW. Raising 10 awareness sessions on land ownership rights, advocating for equitable land distribution, adopting policies that prohibit discrimination, exploitation, harassment, and VAW. Strengthening civil society’s ability to advocate for the development and implementation of gender-sensitive laws and policies in transitional environments and 6 sessions for PWD protection services to increase awareness on the fact that persons with disabilities are capable of taking their lives in their own hands(in parallel to increase their self-confidence within norms and COVID 19 response as assumption), rehabilitation of

Tierraviva 2016-2020


In 2016-2020, Tierraviva manifests its intention to continue its established line of work supporting the demands of indigenous peoples, which in turn implies the respect for collective land rights, their unique cultures may be preserved and their legal rights. This is re-inforced through an increased work with advocacy at the national level, support to indigenous organisation and an increasing effort within gender.


This project mainly contributes to results within Fair distribution of wealth and access to natural resources. Results will be reported later in the Global Civsam grant period 2016-2020