Q38E - Women should have equal right to land -- Disagree (%) | Land Portal

This indicator from round 7 of the Afrobarometer shows the share of respondents, in a given country, that selected "Disagree" when presented with the following statement: 

Women have equal right to land (Q38e) -- For each of the following statements, please tell me whether you disagree or agree: Women should have the same rights as men to own and inherit land. (Strongly disagree; Disagree; Neither agree nor disagree; Agree; Strongly agree; Don’t know)

For more information on the Afrobarometer, please visit: http://afrobarometer.org/

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This indicator from round 7 of the Afrobarometer shows the share of respondents, in a given country, that selected "Disagree" when presented with the following statement: 

Measurement unit: 
Percentage (%)
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Indicator details

Measurement unit: 
Percentage (%)

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