Displaying 121 - 130 of 2403Combating Land Degradation and Desertification: The Land-Use Planning Quandary
Land-use planning (LUP), an instrument of land governance, is often employed to protect land and humans against natural and human-induced hazards, strengthen the resilience of land systems, and secure their sustainability. The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) underlines the critical role of appropriate local action to address the global threat of land degradation and desertification (LDD) and calls for the use of local and regional LUP to combat LDD and achieve land degradation neutrality. The paper explores the challenges of putting this call into practice.
Predicting Land Use Changes in Philadelphia Following Green Infrastructure Policies
Urbanization is a rapid global trend, leading to consequences such as urban heat islands and local flooding. Imminent climate change is predicted to intensify these consequences, forcing cities to rethink common infrastructure practices. One popular method of adaptation is green infrastructure implementation, which has been found to reduce local temperatures and alleviate excess runoff when installed effectively. As cities continue to change and adapt, land use/landcover modeling becomes an important tool for city officials in planning future land usage.
What Awaits Myanmar’s Uplands Farmers? Lessons Learned from Mainland Southeast Asia
Mainland Southeast Asia (MSA) has seen sweeping upland land use changes in the past decades, with transition from primarily subsistence shifting cultivation to annual commodity cropping. This transition holds implications for local upland communities and ecosystems. Due to its particular political regime, Myanmar is at the tail of this development.
Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana
A Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana (UEFS), também conhecida como Universidade de Feira de Santana, é uma instituição pública brasileira de ensino superior sediada na cidade de Feira de Santana,localizada no agreste baiano, apresentando campi avançados também nos municípios de Santo Amaro, situado no recôncavo baiano, e Lençóis, na região serrana da Chapada Diamantina. Até a década de 2010, quando inaugurou-se um campus da Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB) em Feira de Santana, era a única universidade pública presente na cidade. A UEFS é a terceira universidade mais
Analysis of High Temporal Resolution Land Use/Land Cover Trajectories
In this study, methods, originally developed to assess life course trajectories, are explored in order to evaluate land change through the analysis of sequences of land use/cover. Annual land cover maps which describe land use/land cover change for the 1985–2017 period for a large region in Northeast Brazil were analyzed. The most frequent sequences, the entropy and the turbulence of the land trajectories, and the average time of permanence were computed. Clusters of similar sequences were determined using different dissimilarity measures.
Expropriation of Real Property in Kigali City: Scoping the Patterns of Spatial Justice
The key question in this article is the extent to which current real property expropriation practices in Kigali city promote spatial justice. Current studies focus on the ambiguous manner in which real property valuation had been regulated by the expropriation law of 2007, leading to unfair compensation and various conflicts between expropriating agencies and expropriated people. Following its amendment in 2015, the law currently provides clearer procedures for valuation and fair compensation, based on the market prices.
Land Governance in Post-Conflict Settings: Interrogating Decision-Making by International Actors
Humanitarian and development organizations working in conflict-affected settings have a particular responsibility to do no harm and contribute to the wellbeing of the population without bias. The highly complex, politicized realities of work in conflict- and post-conflict settings often require quick, pragmatic and results-oriented decisions, the foundations of which remain frequently implicit. Such decisions might follow an intrinsic logic or situational pragmatism rather than intensive deliberation.
Conference on Land Policy in Africa, CLPA-2019: “Winning the fight against Corruption in the Land Sector: Sustainable Pathway for Africa’s Transformation”
Winning the fight against Corruption in the Land Sector: Sustainable Pathway for Africa’s Transformation
The 3rd edition of the Conference on Land Policy in Africa was organised by the African Land Policy Centre which is a joint initiative of the African Union Commission, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, and the African Development Bank. The Conference is a policy and learning event whose goal is to deepen capacity for land policy in Africa through improved access to knowledge and information on land policy development and implementation. This Conference follows the second Conference held in November 2017 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia that was attended by close to 450 participants.
Geo-Informatie Nederland
GIN is an interactive meeting place and is an open knowledge network for everyone who is professionally involved with geographic information. GIN organizes activities and encourages and facilitates sharing and transferring knowledge of its members in development of all members and to strengthen the position of the field of geo-information in society.
The subsequent strategic goals are:
Proceedings of the FIG 2020 Working Week: Smart surveyors for land and water management
Due to the current COVID-19 situation, FIG Working Week 2020 has been cancelled. However, the programme, all abstracts and both peer review and regular papers have been published in the FIG 2020 Working Week website. There might be some online webinars/meetings, which will be informed in the event website.