corrupção | Land Portal





Bertelsmann Stiftung

The Bertelsmann Stiftung is committed to ensuring everyone can participate in society. Since the foundation was established in 1977, roughly 380 employees at our Gütersloh headquarters and other international locations have developed a wide range of projects and initiatives designed to achieve this goal.

Central Asian Bureau for Analytical Reporting ( is a regional analytical, informational and educational platform for Central Asia. Its mission is to develop expert and journalistic analytics, provide training on new media, and provide analytical support for broad social processes in the countries of the region.

This mission is implemented through the following areas:

Clima Info

O Instituto ClimaInfo surge com o objetivo de oferecer um ambiente livre de especulações e fake news sobre mudanças climáticas para contribuir com um debate produtivo, baseado em fatos e dados reais, sobre ações e políticas para a mitigação e a adaptação às consequentes mudanças climáticas globais.

No ClimaInfo você encontrará notícias, estudos e pesquisas sobre os vários temas relacionados às mudanças do clima,  além de entrevistas, análises e verificações de fatos. Além do site, mantemos boletim diário com o resumos diário das principais notícias publicadas na imprensa. is a new website providing practical help for public officials and politicians planning anti-corruption reforms.

We provide you with two tools

A practical five-step approach – summarised in the left side bar – helps you develop your own anti-corruption initiative, large or small.  The Steps can be accessed at any time from the top navigation bar.

The Democratic Governance Facility (DGF) is a multi-donor facility established by eight development partners under an agreement with the GoU: Austria, Denmark, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the European Union. As development partners, the DGF shares a vision with the government and the people of Uganda of maintaining a corrupt-free Uganda. Therefore, DGF is committed to contributing to the fight against corruption by supporting CSOs and several state institutions whose mandate is to fight corruption.

Disruption Network Lab

Examining the intersection of politics, technology, and society, Disruption Network Lab exposes the misconduct and wrongdoing of the powerful.

A Fundação Antônio dos Santos Abranches – FASA – é uma instituição sem fins lucrativos que tem como objetivo básico o desenvolvimento da educação, assistência social e cultura através de trabalhos e incentivos no campo tecnológico-educacional, das pesquisas científicas e técnicas. Além de apoiar as ações e projetos da UNICAP, também presta serviços gráficos, mantém uma loja de serviços aos universitários e disponibiliza para aluguel espaços especiais da Universidade Católica.

The Global Initiative was born from a series of high-level, off the record discussions between mainly (though not exclusively) law-enforcement officials from both developed and developing countries in New York in 2011–12.

Ministry of Justice Sri Lanka

The Vision

"Efficient system of administration of justice"

Law reform to respond to societal needs in keeping with global advancements and the aspirations of the people.

The Mission

  • Formulation and implementation of policies, plans and programmes aimed at the efficient and meaningful administration of Justice.
  • Law reform for greater recognition, protection and promotion of the rights of the citizens.
Open Data Charter logo

The Open Data Charter is a collaboration between governments and organizations working to open up data based on a shared set of Principles. With 73 government adopters and 53 organizations endorsers, our goal is to embed open data as a central ingredient to achieving better solutions to the most pressing policy challenges of our time.

The Oxpeckers Center for Investigative Environmental Journalism is Africa’s first journalistic investigation unit focusing on environmental issues. The Oxpeckers #MineAlert enables the  tracking and sharing of mining applications and licences and provides analytic reporting on mining and land related issues. The Center combines traditional investigative reporting with data analysis and geo-mapping tools to expose eco-offences and track organised criminal syndicates.

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