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Dobrobiti drveća u urbanim sredinama

Institutional & promotional materials
Fevereiro, 2018

Krošnje velikih stabala su prirodan filter za lebdeće čestice i štetne plinove u zraku. Jedno stablo iz atmosfere godišnje uklanja 150 kg CO2 i time doprinosi ublažavanju klimatskih promjena. Drveće pruža stanište, hranu i zaštitu ostalim biljkama i životinjama te time povećava bioraznolikost u urbanim sredinama. Sadnjom stabala danas utječemo na kvalitetu života budućih generacija!

Regulation amending the Regulation on the granting of aid for the "Clearance of agricultural land" from the Rural Development Programme of the Republic of Croatia for the period 2014-2020.

Março, 2016

This Regulation amends certain provisions part of the Regulation on the granting of aid for the "Clearance of agricultural land" from the Rural Development Programme of the Republic of Croatia for the period 2014-2020 (Official Gazette 38/2015).Changes are related to the costs and concrete agricultural land demining-clearance issues.The Regulation also amends the contents of the Annex which is an integral part of this text.

Law amending the Law on hilly and mountainous areas.

Março, 2005

This Law amends some issues part of the Law on hilly and mountainous areas (Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia 12/2002, 32/2002 and 117/2003).Major changes are related to the tax revenues income issues that are realized in the area with local self-government that have the status of mountainous areas (article 7).

Amends: Law on hilly and mountainous areas. (2002-01-25)

Regulation on the manner of tax deduction for taxpayers in mountainous areas.

Abril, 2009

This Regulation determines the detailed way of exercising the right to obtain tax relief/tax benefit/tax exemption for taxpayers who perform activities in what is defined as hilly and/or mountainous area (on the territory of the Republic of Croatia).This Regulation closely defines the total amount of tax relief that can be assigned to a single taxpayer; application process for tax relief (forms, administration issues and rules); and related penalties.The Annex is an integral part of this Regulation.

Regulation amending the Regulation on the manner of tax deduction for taxpayers in mountainous areas.

Outubro, 2010

This Regulation adds certain provisions to the Regulation on the manner of tax deduction for taxpayers in mountainous areas (Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia 53/2009).Changes made by this publication are regarding the introduction of new paragraphs (6 and 7) that are added to the provisions of the article 15 which is related to the offences and penalties (administrative procedures for data submission and official deadlines and other time limits).

Amends: Regulation on the manner of tax deduction for taxpayers in mountainous areas. (2009-04-27)

Regulation amending the Regulation defining areas with natural or other specific constraints.

Agosto, 2015

This Regulation amends certain provisions provided by the Regulation defining areas with natural or other specific constraints (Official Gazette 34/2015 and 65/2015).Changes are related to the official denominations and definitions of the agricultural areas.

Amends: Regulation defining areas with natural or other specific constraints. (2015-03-23)

Action Programme for the protection of waters from pollution caused by nitrates of agricultural origin.

Janeiro, 2013

This publication, with the aim of protecting the national based waters from pollution caused by nitrates of agricultural origin and in order to achieve a good state of water bodies of surface and groundwaters and preventing deterioration of already reached status of water bodies in terms of percentage of pollution of agricultural origin nitrates, here stipulates the updated version of the official Croatian Action Programme for the protection of waters from pollution caused by nitrates of agricultural origin.The Annex is also part of this publication (containing several specific technical an

Regulation amending the Regulation on parceling and other geodetic elaborate.

Fevereiro, 2009

This Regulation changes certain articles part of the provisions prescribed by the Regulation on parceling and other geodetic elaborate (Official Gazette 86/2007).Changes are related to the prescribed subdivision studies which divides or combines agricultural land owned by the Croatian government and the approval of the Agricultural Land Agency in accordance with special Regulations; primary studies and data collection standards; and geodetic studies for the purpose of registration of agricultural land.

Amends: Regulation on parceling and other geodetic elaborate. (2007-08-09)

Regulation defining areas with natural or other specific constraints.

Março, 2015

This Regulation hereby defines the areas present on the territory of the Republic of Croatia with natural or other specific restrictions in accordance with the article 32 of the Regulation (EU) no. 1305/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No. 1698/2005.The Annex is an integral part of this Regulation.

Regulation amending the Regulation defining areas with natural or other specific constraints.

Fevereiro, 2017

This Regulation amends some parts of the Regulation defining areas with natural or other specific constraints (Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia 34/2015, 65/2015 and 91/2015).Changes are related to the local self-government and their powers and duties in relation to the status of affiliation with areas with natural or other special restrictions that has to be established; and names and official denominations of urban areas that are included in the group of the above mentioned areas with natural or other specific constraints that are located on the territory of the Republic of Croa