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Community / Land projects / Raising Awareness on the Customary Land Rights and the Land Commission Acts

Raising Awareness on the Customary Land Rights and the Land Commission Acts


01/23 - 12/27


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Green Scenery was supported by Christian Aid Ireland to implement a five-year, later six years after the outbreak of the Corona Virus 19 globally. The intervention was carried out in three districts; Bonbali, Port Loko, and Pujehun and it involved working with partners, landowners, and land-users’ groups, while interacting with stakeholders at the micro, meso, and macro-levels to bring about both attitudes and behavioral as well as policy change. The project ended with the milestones achieved at varying degrees and a major objective of the Provinces Land Act, Cap 122 repealed and replaced with two new land laws; the Customary Land Rights Act and the National Land Commission Act. This Intervention will target the same communities that were targeted by the previous project as a way to deepen all gains as well as to prepare them for the next journey of the implementation of the new laws. The intervention will establish at least five District Multistakeholder Platforms and will facilitate the establishment of the Town/Village Area Land committees in all our operational communities. Members of the structures established will be trained so that they are able to match up to their terms of reference as enshrined in the laws.

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