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Issue Brief 4: China’s Loans and ODA and the Effects on Access to Land in the Philippines

Policy Papers & Briefs

This issue brief thus aims to:
• Contribute to enriching regional and national perspectives in
tackling China’s role in influencing policies and institutions of
other developing countries that are related to access to land and
tenurial security;
• Set a framework that will guide the research, the policy analysis,
and the advocacy relating to a developing country’s economic
partnership with China and its link to access-to-land issues;
• Provide an example of how country case studies vis-à-vis relations
with China can be developed.

Issue Brief 3: IGO Strategies and Programs for Access to Land and Natural Resources in Asia

Policy Papers & Briefs

This paper discusses the country strategies and program frameworks
of three intergovernmental agencies, the European Com
mission (EC), the International Fund for Agricultural Development
(IFAD) and the World Bank (WB), as related to land access and
rural development in Asia. It focuses on six countries: Bangladesh,
Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Nepal and the Philippines.

Issue Brief 2: Engaging the ASEAN: Toward a Regional Advocacy on Land Rights

Policy Papers & Briefs

This issue brief argues that before ASEAN could engage in
meaningful dialogue with NGOs, it will first have to grapple with
a number of issues, namely, (1) food security for farmers that
likewise promotes poverty eradication and rural development; (2)
property rights as a fundamental human right of farmers; (3)
ensuring justice in poverty eradication and rural development
efforts; and (4) economic growth as a precursor for social

Issue Brief 1: Land Issues in South Asia: Assesing SAARC

Policy Papers & Briefs
Southern Asia

This paper calls attention to the ambiguity of SAARC’s position
on the importance of land rights, as well as to the absence
of an official declaration from SAARC on land rights and issues
as these relate to farmers in the region. Judging by its official
documents, SAARC has no clear profile of the poor in South Asia.
At the minimum, SAARC needs to recognize the interrelatedness
of poverty alleviation, agricultural production, food security and
land rights/access to land. SAARC has yet to implement a program

Rights to Land and Natural Resources

Reports & Research

When we look at access to land and security of tenure, we talk about formal ‘ownership titles’, ‘informal written contracts’ and oral agreements between various parties. The rights and rights holders concerned are not usually specified something that often leads to misunderstandings and even conflict. This paper aims to help fill this gap by proposing a clear, simple method for characterising rights to land and natural resources and holders of land rights that can easily be applied in different cultures and legal systems all over the world.

Rights to Land and Natural Resources

Reports & Research

When we look at access to land and security of tenure, we talk about formal ‘ownership titles’, ‘informal written contracts’ and oral agreements between various parties. The rights and rights holders concerned are not usually specified something that often leads to misunderstandings and even conflict. This paper aims to help fill this gap by proposing a clear, simple method for characterising rights to land and natural resources and holders of land rights that can easily be applied in different cultures and legal systems all over the world.

Examples of the diversity of rights holders and rights to land and natural resources in West Africa

Reports & Research

‘Modern’ legal categories rarely take full account of the complexities of reality on the ground. Worse still, they sometimes lead to profound changes in social and economic relations, since providing security for one type of rights holder or issuing a particular land title (full or absolute) may negate the rights of other types of rights holders.

In focus - Women and Land - IDRC Conversations with activists, leaders, and researchers on women's land rights

Eastern Africa

[From Youtube.com] In September 2010, in Nairobi, Kenya, IDRC hosted the policy symposium, Gendered Terrain: Women's Rights and Access to Land in Africa. At this symposium, researchers from across Africa shared their findings and engaged with policymakers. These 11 short videos present valuable insight from some of the symposium's participants.

Report of an independent investigation into land disputes and forced evictions in a palm oil estate

Reports & Research

This report provides an account of an independent investigation carried out in October 2011 of the conflicts and disputes in the PT Asiatic Persada concession in the Indonesian Province of Jambi on the island of Sumatra. This report has been written with the aim of helping resolve these disputes and ensure respect for human rights by RSPO members in line with the RSPO Principles and Criteria and the Performance Standards of the International Finance Corporation.

Burma: Regime's land grabs disrupt lives in minority communities

Reports & Research

Almost two-thirds of farming families from ethnic Ta’ang communities in Burma’s northern Shan State have lost land to the country’s powerful military, according to a new report.

The Ta’ang Students and Youth Organization, or TSYO, says 63 percent of farming families from the Ta’ang community in the area have had land confiscated by the military. The Ta’ang are also known as Palaung.


Reports & Research

Given the growing interest in African farmland and its associated impact on livelihoods of rural communities, the Land Rights Research and Resources Institute (HAKIARDHI) through the support of Oxfam’s Pan-Africa Economic Justice Desk in Tanzania undertook this exploratory study on the current state of the so-called ‘New Land Grab’ in Africa.