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Sécuriser les producteurs des périmètres irrigués de Sélingué et Maninkoura

Reports & Research
марта, 2016

Cette étude présente les résultats des enquêtes auprès des acteurs paysans, gestionnaires et acteurs privés des périmètres de Sélingué et Maninkoura (Mali) concernant les modalités d’application et la pertinence du cahier des charges actuel. Les entretiens portaient sur le système de gestion foncière et le développement des périmètres tels que les acteurs pouvaient le percevoir. Il s’agissait, avec l’ensemble des acteurs, de discuter des formes de sécurisation foncière, nécessaires et envisageables, qui pourraient permettre un meilleur développement des exploitations familiales.

Securing land tenure for farmers in the Sélingué and Maninkoura irrigation schemes

Reports & Research
марта, 2016

This study presents the results of field interviews with farmers, managers and the private sector from the Sélingué and Maninkoura (Mali) irrigation schemes to discuss how the current terms and conditions of the farming contract are implemented. These interviews focused on the functioning of the land management system as perceived by the stakeholders. The aim was to discuss the necessary and possible reforms of land tenure security which might allow a better development of smallholder farms.

Assessing and Governing Ecosystem Services Trade-Offs in Agrarian Landscapes: The Case of Biogas

Peer-reviewed publication
марта, 2016

This paper develops a method to explore how alternative scenarios of the expansion of maize production for biogas generation affect biodiversity and ecosystem services (ES). Our approach consists of four steps: (i) defining scenario targets and implementation of assumptions; (ii) simulating crop distributions across the landscape; (iii) assessing the ES impacts; and (iv) quantifying the impacts for a comparative trade-off analysis. The case study is the region of Hannover, Germany.

Simulating Littoral Trade: Modeling the Trade of Wine in the Bronze to Iron Age Transition in Southern France

Peer-reviewed publication
марта, 2016

The Languedoc-Roussillon region of southern France is well known today for producing full-bodied red wines. Yet wine grapes are not native to France. Additionally, wine was not developed indigenously first. In the 7th century B.C. Etruscan merchants bringing wine landed on the shores of the Languedoc and established trade relationships with the native Gauls, later creating local viticulture, and laying the foundation for a strong cultural identity of French wine production and setting in motion a multi-billion dollar industry.

Do Smallholder, Mixed Crop-Livestock Livelihoods Encourage Sustainable Agricultural Practices? A Meta-Analysis

Peer-reviewed publication
марта, 2016

As calls for bolstering ecosystem services from croplands have grown more insistent during the past two decades, the search for ways to foster these agriculture-sustaining services has become more urgent. In this context we examine by means of a meta-analysis the argument, proposed by Robert McC. Netting, that small-scale, mixed crop-livestock farming, a common livelihood among poor rural peoples, leads to environmentally sustainable agricultural practices.

Ley Orgánica de Tierras Rurales y Territorios Ancestrales.

марта, 2016

La presente Ley Orgánica de Tierras Rurales y Territorios Ancestrales, tiene por objeto normar el uso y acceso a la propiedad de la tierra rural, el derecho a la propiedad de la misma que deberá cumplir la función social y la función ambiental. Regula la posesión, la propiedad, la administración y redistribución de la tierra rural como factor de producción para garantizar la soberanía alimentaria, mejorar la productividad, propiciar un ambiente sustentable y equilibrado, y otorgar seguridad jurídica a los titulares de derechos.

Eastern Africa Climate-Smart Agriculture Scoping Study: Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda

Reports & Research
февраля, 2016

This publication was commissioned under the auspices of the project “FAO technical support to the COMESA-EAC-SADC program on climate change adaptation and mitigation in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSRO/RAF/307/COM)”.

Ethiopia Climate-Smart Agriculture Scoping Study

Journal Articles & Books
февраля, 2016
South Sudan

This climate-smart agriculture scoping study for Ethiopia was produced by the FAO. The study is aimed at identifying and documenting existing climate-smart agriculture practices in Ethiopia that enable stakeholders to understand the opportunities and constraints to adopting particular climate-smart agriculture technologies or practices.

Boosting Africa’s Soils

Policy Papers & Briefs
февраля, 2016

This booklet presents an overview of the issue of soil management practices in Africa. It briefly presents the 12-Resolution “Abuja Declaration on Fertilizer for the African Green Revolution” adopted in 2006 and contextualizes the 2014 adoption by the 23rd Summit of the African Union of the Malabo Declaration on Accelerated Agricultural Growth and Transformation for Shared Prosperity and Improved Livelihoods that reaffirmed that agriculture should remain high on the development agenda of the continent.

Charcoal supply chains from Mabalane to Maputo: who benefits?

Journal Articles & Books
февраля, 2016

Charcoal is the main cooking energy source for people living in Maputo city. It is also a crucial source of income for rural producers in Mabalane district, a key supplier of Maputo’s charcoal. But Mabalane’s forests — which provide the wood for charcoal — also supply rural populations with construction materials, firewood and food. Our research shows that the lack of community management in Mabalane’s charcoal trade has disadvantaged communities, widening income inequality and causing ecological depletion.

Desmatamento nos Assentamentos da Amazônia: Histórico, Tendências e Oportunidades

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2015

Os assentamentos de reforma agrária têm assumido um papel de destaque em relação ao desmatamento da Amazônia nos últimos cinco anos. Atualmente cerca de 8% do território dos estados amazônicos (41,8 milhões de hectares) encontra-se destinado aos 3.589 assentamentos de reforma agrária.

Políticas Públicas e Agricultura

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2015

Por razões conhecidas, o sector agrícola tem um papel fundamental na economia moçambicana. Este tema é relevante, por um lado, porque a agricultura é considerada a base de desenvolvimento do nosso país e, por outro, porque as políticas públicas influenciam o comportamento de diversas variáveis da actividade agrária. Moçambique possui condições naturais para, a longo prazo, desenvolver um sector agrário diversificado, dinâmico e sustentável. Existem mais de 36 milhões de hectares de terra arável, dos quais somente 10% estão em uso e, destes, 90% pelo sector familiar (PEDSA, 2011).